80R5625 JH-D
  By: Deshotel H.R. No. 410
         WHEREAS, The year 2007 marks the 50th anniversary of the
  designation of the Mary and John Gray Library at Lamar University in
  Beaumont as a federal government document depository; and
         WHEREAS, On February 7, 1957, the Government Printing Office
  notified Julia Plummer, the librarian for what was then Lamar State
  College of Technology, that the library had been accepted as an
  official depository for government publications, as had been
  requested by Congressman Jack Brooks; and
         WHEREAS, So began the library's participation in the Federal
  Depository Library Program, and for a half-century, it has played a
  vital role in the effort to collect, organize, and preserve
  information produced by the federal government and to assist the
  public in locating and using that material; and
         WHEREAS, The Mary and John Gray Library now contains 64
  percent of the documents available from the federal government and
  provides free, unrestricted access to this information for the
  citizens of the area and to the students and faculty of Lamar
  University; the collection is housed at the library building on the
  Lamar campus in Beaumont, and the staff is working to improve access
  by offering more of the material in electronic format; and
         WHEREAS, An informed citizenry is essential to the health of
  the nation's democratic form of government, and the ready
  availability of federal documents is key to that process; for five
  decades, staff members of the Mary and John Gray Library have helped
  safeguard the public's right to know, and their enduring efforts to
  provide valuable information to the citizens of Texas is deserving
  of high praise; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Mary and John Gray Library at Lamar
  University on the 50th anniversary of its designation as a federal
  government document depository and extend best wishes to the
  library staff members for continued success in their important
  work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the library as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.