80R6233 CBE-D
  By: Flores H.R. No. 483
         WHEREAS, Sergeant Eleuterio Morales of La Joya answered his
  country's call to duty during the Vietnam War, and he is a source of
  pride to his community, state, and nation; and
         WHEREAS, Drafted into the U.S. Army on September 14, 1967, at
  the age of 20, Sergeant Morales was stationed at Fort Lewis,
  Washington, before being deployed to Vietnam with the 25th Infantry
  Division, Macanese Unit; a platoon leader, in addition to his other
  duties, Sergeant Morales consistently distinguished himself with
  his quick judgment and competent action in the face of hostile enemy
  troops; and
         WHEREAS, He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for his
  meritorious and valiant service and two Purple Hearts for wounds he
  received while in action; and
         WHEREAS, Following his return to civilian life, Sergeant
  Morales married the former Rosita De La Rosa, with whom he has
  shared more than 35 years, and the couple have been blessed with two
  daughters, Cynthia and Criselda, and one granddaughter, Danielle;
         WHEREAS, Time can never diminish the profound debt that
  Americans owe to Eleuterio Morales for the dutiful service he
  undertook in the aid of his country; through his courageous and
  steadfast commitment to his mission and to his fellow servicemen
  and women, he represents the finest tradition of the armed
  services; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Sergeant Eleuterio Morales of La Joya
  for his brave and honorable service during the Vietnam War and
  extend to him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Sergeant Morales as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.