H.R. No. 590
         WHEREAS, A 50th wedding anniversary is a landmark event in
  the marriage of a couple, and Mayor Okey Lucas and Patsy Lucas of
  Van Horn marked this joyous occasion on February 2, 2007; and
         WHEREAS, Okey Lucas and the former Patsy Collins met at the
  Rosebud Festival in Denton while she was a student at Texas Woman's
  University and he was stationed at Perrin Air Force Base in Sherman;
         WHEREAS, Joined in marriage in the community of Barstow, Mr.
  and Mrs. Lucas settled in Van Horn, where he has ably served area
  citizens as mayor since 1984 and Mrs. Lucas is retired from her
  tenure as a bookkeeper at Van Horn State Bank; the pair are
  extremely proud of their family, which includes their children,
  Rebecca Lynn Brewster, Stephen Dwayne Lucas, Deanna Proctor, and
  Sabra Kay Laviers, as well as their seven grandchildren and six
  great-grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, Mayor and Mrs. Lucas have enriched each other's
  lives and the lives of their loved ones through their commitment to
  one another and their family, and they may indeed reflect with joy
  on their memorable journey together as husband and wife; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Mayor Okey Lucas and Patsy Lucas on
  their golden wedding anniversary and extend to them sincere best
  wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mayor and Mrs. Lucas as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.
Craddick Gattis Miles
Allen Geren Miller
Alonzo Giddings Moreno
Anchia Gonzales Morrison
Anderson Gonzalez Toureilles Mowery
Aycock Goolsby Murphy
Bailey Guillen Naishtat
Berman Haggerty Noriega
Bohac Hamilton O'Day
Bolton Hancock Oliveira
Bonnen Hardcastle Olivo
Branch Harless Orr
Brown of Kaufman Harper-Brown Ortiz, Jr.
Brown of Brazos Hartnett Otto
Burnam Heflin Parker
Callegari Hernandez Patrick
Castro Herrero Paxton
Chavez Hilderbran Pena
Chisum Hill Phillips
Christian Hochberg Pickett
Cohen Hodge Pierson
Coleman Homer Pitts
Cook of Navarro Hopson Puente
Cook of Colorado Howard of Fort Bend Quintanilla
Corte Howard of Travis Raymond
Crabb Hughes Riddle
Creighton Isett Ritter
Crownover Jackson Rodriguez
Darby Jones Rose
Davis of Harris Keffer Smith of Tarrant
Davis of Dallas King of Parker Smith of Harris
Delisi King of Taylor Smithee
Deshotel King of Zavala Solomons
Driver Kolkhorst Strama
Dukes Krusee Straus
Dunnam Kuempel Swinford
Dutton Latham Talton
Eiland Laubenberg Taylor
Eissler Leibowitz Thompson
Elkins Lucio III Truitt
England Macias Turner
Escobar Madden Van Arsdale
Farabee Mallory Caraway Vaught
Farias Martinez Veasey
Farrar Martinez Fischer Villarreal
Flores McCall Vo
Flynn McClendon West
Frost McReynolds Woolley
Gallego Menendez Zedler
Garcia Merritt Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 590 was adopted by the House on March
  15, 2007, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House