80R8338 JHS-D
  By: Branch H.R. No. 622
         WHEREAS, Randy Allen, the Highland Park Independent School
  District men's athletic director and head football coach, has been
  named the recipient of the Bayard H. Friedman Hummer Hero Award as
  the "Outstanding School Coach in Texas"; and
         WHEREAS, Given by Score A Goal in the Classroom and the Dallas
  Cowboys organization, the Bayard H. Friedman Hummer Hero Award is
  presented to an individual who, like Mr. Friedman during his
  lifetime, believes in challenging students to perform to the best
  of their abilities and continually strives to improve education and
  create new learning opportunities for young people; and
         WHEREAS, During his 33-year coaching career, Coach Allen has
  led 23 teams to the state play-offs, and under his expert direction,
  the Highland Park High School Scots football team won the 2005 Class
  4A Division I State Championship, securing the team's first 4A
  Division I state championship in 48 years; and
         WHEREAS, Through his success as an educator and coach, Randy
  Allen has carried on the example of excellence once set by Bayard H.
  Friedman, and he may indeed reflect with pride on his many
  achievements; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Randy Allen on his receipt of the
  Bayard H. Friedman Hummer Hero Award as the "Outstanding School
  Coach in Texas" and commend him for his exemplary career in the
  field of education; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Coach Allen as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.