80R8369 JNC-D
  By: King of Parker H.R. No. 650
         WHEREAS, The East Parker County Chamber of Commerce plays a
  vital role in assisting local businesses and promoting economic
  expansion in the heart of North Texas, and in 2007 the chamber is
  celebrating its 10th anniversary; and
         WHEREAS, Established in 1997 by a small group of concerned
  residents and business leaders, the chamber has grown to include
  more than 400 members; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to helping to recruit new industry and
  commercial enterprises, the organization provides its members with
  numerous opportunities to share experiences, promote their
  businesses, and collaborate with others in building an even
  stronger community; and
         WHEREAS, Dedicated to fostering economic growth and
  enhancing the quality of life of area citizens, the East Parker
  County Chamber of Commerce is shaping the development of its
  community in myriad ways, and it is a pleasure to commend this
  outstanding organization for its vision, commitment, and dynamic
  leadership; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the East Parker County Chamber of
  Commerce on the occasion of its 10th anniversary and extend to its
  members and staff sincere best wishes for continued success; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the East Parker County Chamber of Commerce as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.