80R9604 JNC-D
  By: Dukes H.R. No. 655
         WHEREAS, The Chinese American Cultural Bridge Center has
  invited the Lyndon B. Johnson High School Band of Austin to
  participate in the Plum Blossom Festival in Beijing and Tianjin,
  China, in March 2007; and
         WHEREAS, A nonprofit organization, the center works with high
  school groups in an effort to introduce young citizens of the United
  States and China to the cultures and fine arts of each country; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to experiencing Chinese customs and
  visiting historical sites, members of the L. B. J. High School Band
  will perform at the Great Wall and have a joint concert with a local
  school while on this exciting cultural exchange adventure; and
         WHEREAS, Offering future leaders an opportunity to
  experience new cultures, traditions, and lifestyles is a most
  commendable undertaking, and the many individuals who help to make
  this project a success are indeed deserving of high praise; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby express deep appreciation to the citizens and
  officials of China who have welcomed the Lyndon B. Johnson High
  School Band and given these young ambassadors the opportunity to
  experience the culture, history, and excitement of the great cities
  of Beijing and Tianjin; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
  for the L. B. J. High School Band to present to officials of the Plum
  Blossom Festival as an expression of the sentiment of the Texas
  House of Representatives.