H.R. No. 779
         WHEREAS, A 50th wedding anniversary marks a lifetime of love
  and shared experiences, and Garland and Lila Stueart of Lamesa
  celebrated the joyous milestone in their marriage on December 31,
  2006; and
         WHEREAS, Garland Stueart and the former Lila Tucker were
  joined in matrimony in 1956 in Portales, New Mexico; through the
  years, they have been blessed with a treasured family that includes
  three sons, Jeffrey, Jerome, and James Stueart, and one daughter,
  Jenifer Huerta, as well as four grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, In the couple's first two decades together, they
  lived in California and Florida while Mr. Stueart served in the U.S.
  Navy; he was stationed aboard several aircraft carriers during the
  Vietnam War and continued his naval career until his retirement as a
  senior chief petty officer; he attended Midwestern Baptist
  Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, and today he is
  pastor of Midway Baptist Church, a position he has ably held for
  more than 17 years; Mrs. Stueart is a retired nurse and a homemaker;
         WHEREAS, Looking back over the past five decades, Garland and
  Lila Stueart can savor a wealth of cherished family memories and
  know that the strength of their love and commitment serves as an
  inspiration to all who know them; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Garland and Lila Stueart on their
  50th wedding anniversary and extend to them sincere best wishes for
  continued happiness together; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Stueart as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 779 was adopted by the House on March
  28, 2007, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House