80R11200 BJM-F
  By: Gonzalez Toureilles H.R. No. 808
         WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is pleased to
  recognize the Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce and the George West
  Chamber of Commerce for their many contributions to the citizens of
  Live Oak County; and
         WHEREAS, These chambers of commerce were founded to advance
  the economic, professional, cultural, and civic welfare of the
  cities of Three Rivers and George West and the entire Live Oak
  County trade area; the chambers encourage tourism and the growth of
  existing industries and businesses and assist new firms and
  individuals in relocating to the area; and
         WHEREAS, The Tourism Committee of the Three Rivers Chamber of
  Commerce founded the Salsa Festival, which features music, arts,
  and crafts, and a bicycle race and motorcycle rally in addition to a
  salsa competition; the chamber also supports the Choke Canyon
  Birding Festival at Three Rivers; and
         WHEREAS, The George West Chamber of Commerce is the original
  founder and current supporter of Storyfest and serves as the
  tourism center for the city of George West; and
         WHEREAS, Committed to improving the quality of life for area
  citizens, these two organizations focus on community development
  and follow policies that reflect the needs and concerns of the
  people of Live Oak County; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce and
  the George West Chamber of Commerce for their many accomplishments
  benefiting the citizens of Live Oak County; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for these outstanding organizations as an expression of
  esteem by the Texas House of Representatives.