80R10973 JNC-D
  By: Hodge H.R. No. 891
         WHEREAS, DeMetris Sampson of Dallas has been awarded the
  Honorary Order of the Coif by The University of Texas School of Law
  Alumni Association; and
         WHEREAS, Presented by the dean of UT Law School, the Honorary
  Order of the Coif recognizes alumni of exceptional merit and
  extraordinary professional achievement; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Sampson is a 1980 graduate of The University of
  Texas at Austin School of Law; she earned a master of laws degree
  from Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law and is
  currently partner of the Dallas law firm of Linebarger Goggan Blair &
  Sampson, LLP; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Sampson is also an active member of her
  community, sharing her talents with the board of the Greater Dallas
  Chamber, the Dallas Charter Review Commission, the City of Dallas
  Domestic Violence Task Force, the Dallas Assembly, and the Dallas
  Summit; in addition, she has served on the Dallas Area Rapid Transit
  board and chaired the Task Force on Liquor-Related Businesses Near
  Schools and the Political Congress of African American Women; and
         WHEREAS, The accomplishments of DeMetris Sampson have
  distinguished her among the members of her profession, and she is
  indeed deserving of her most recent honor; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize DeMetris Sampson on her receipt of the
  Honorary Order of the Coif from The University of Texas School of
  Law Alumni Association and extend to her sincere best wishes for
  continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Sampson as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.