80R10583 BJM-D
  By: Dunnam H.R. No. 923
         WHEREAS, A team of four FFA students from the Riesel
  Independent School District won top honors in the 2006 National FFA
  Meats Evaluation and Technology Career Development Event held at
  the 79th National FFA Convention; and
         WHEREAS, The Meats Evaluation and Technology event is one of
  many educational activities at the National FFA Convention in which
  students apply classroom knowledge to real-life situations; the
  competition tests participants' abilities in evaluating and
  identifying meat carcasses and products; activities include a
  general knowledge exam, meat identification and evaluation,
  quality and yield grading, a merchandising project, and a
  problem-solving component; and
         WHEREAS, Competing with 38 teams from across the country, the
  Riesel group consisted of TraeAnn Schlemmer, Sean Gallagher, Chance
  Masaichy, and Ben Ehlers; moreover, Ms. Schlemmer was the
  top-ranking individual in the event, Mr. Gallagher the fifth, Mr.
  Masaichy the 14th, and Mr. Ehlers the 34th; the Riesel team had
  previously won first-place honors at the district, area, and state
  level competitions; for their success at the national event, team
  members received scholarships to further their education at a
  postsecondary institution of their choice; and
         WHEREAS, Demonstrating skill and dedication, the members of
  the Riesel FFA team have brought great credit to their school, and
  they may take justifiable pride in their notable achievement; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the FFA students from Riesel ISD on
  winning first place in the 2006 National FFA Meats Evaluation and
  Technology Career Development Event and extend to them best wishes
  for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team members as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.