H.R. No. 988
         WHEREAS, The American GI Forum, one of the country's leading
  civil rights organizations, was founded by Mexican American
  veterans in the aftermath of World War II; and
         WHEREAS, Mexican Americans have long served with valor in the
  armed forces of this country, compiling an exceptional record of
  heroism; in the Second World War alone, 12 Mexican Americans, 9 of
  them from Texas, earned the Medal of Honor, becoming the nation's
  most decorated minority group in that conflict; on returning home,
  however, many Latino veterans found themselves denied benefits that
  they had earned under the G.I. Bill of Rights; and
         WHEREAS, To redress that injustice, 700 Hispanic veterans,
  led by Dr. Hector P. Garcia, founded the American GI Forum in Corpus
  Christi on March 26, 1948; successful in its efforts to achieve
  equitable treatment from the Veterans Administration, the forum
  turned its attention to other veterans' concerns, such as
  inadequate hospital care and the lack of Mexican American
  representation on draft boards; and
         WHEREAS, The forum demonstrated its effectiveness decisively
  in 1949, when it intervened to help the family of Private Felix
  Longoria, a soldier who had been killed on a volunteer mission in
  the Philippines during World War II; when Private Longoria's body
  was finally recovered and returned to his home in Three Rivers,
  Texas, the local funeral home refused his family permission to use
  its chapel for a service; after the forum sought assistance from
  members of the Texas congressional delegation, Senator Lyndon
  Johnson arranged for the soldier's burial in Arlington National
  Cemetery; and
         WHEREAS, In the 1950s, the forum began to use the legal system
  to combat segregation and other discriminatory practices; forum
  lawyers helped to secure a landmark ruling from the U.S. Supreme
  Court in Hernandez v. the State of Texas, in 1954, a decision
  finding that Mexican Americans were discriminated against as a
  class and that they were entitled to protection under the 14th
  Amendment; the forum also fought to end separate schooling for
  Mexican American children, a practice ruled unlawful in 1957; and
         WHEREAS, During that same decade, the forum conducted voter
  registration drives, confronted incidents of police brutality,
  addressed the problems of migrant workers, and sponsored student
  scholarships; and
         WHEREAS, The group took the name American GI Forum of Texas on
  September 29, 1954, and became a national organization in 1958; Dr.
  Clotilde Garcia, Dr. Hector Garcia's sister, founded a women's
  auxiliary in 1956, and junior GI forums were also launched in some
  areas; and
         WHEREAS, Today, the forum embraces more than 500 chapters
  across the nation and in Puerto Rico; it continues to support
  returning veterans and their communities through such endeavors as
  the Veterans Outreach Program, which provides training,
  employment, and counseling for veterans in the Southwest, and
  Ser-Jobs for Progress (SER), whose affiliates operate employment
  training centers and residential and other services in Puerto Rico
  and the continental U.S.; and
         WHEREAS, For more than half a century, the American GI Forum
  has played a vital role in our national life, advancing the cause of
  social justice and touching the lives of countless Americans, and
  it is indeed deserving of commendation for its exemplary efforts in
  furthering the highest ideals of this nation; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the American GI Forum on the 59th
  anniversary of its founding and extend to all those associated with
  this organization sincere appreciation for their outstanding
  service; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the American GI Forum as an expression of high regard
  by the Texas House of Representatives.
  Ortiz, Jr.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 988 was adopted by the House on April
  13, 2007, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House