80R12211 SKA-D
  By: Gonzales H.R. No. 1048
         WHEREAS, An exemplary tenure in public service is drawing to
  a close with the retirement of Jan Klinck as a McAllen city
  commissioner in 2007; and
         WHEREAS, Having served as both a commissioner and as a member
  of the public utility board of trustees, Mr. Klinck has been a
  prominent civic leader in McAllen for three decades and has
  provided sound guidance and judgment during a period of tremendous
  growth for the city; and
         WHEREAS, Jan Klinck's participation in local government
  began in 1977, when he joined the board of trustees of McAllen
  Public Utility; he served that organization until 1995 and chaired
  its board from 1981 to 1993; elected a city commissioner in 1993, he
  was mayor pro tem for the first four years of his tenure and later
  returned to that role; in addition, he has been a member of the
  Audit/Investment Committee for more than a decade, including eight
  years as its chair; and
         WHEREAS, Both as a trustee and as a commissioner, Mr. Klinck
  helped bring about essential improvements to the city's
  infrastructure that have aided McAllen's prosperity, and he has
  promoted sound financial policies and low tax rates; and
         WHEREAS, The careful attention Commissioner Klinck has given
  to the city's budgetary issues may stem from his background as a
  successful business owner; he was president of Klinck Drug Stores
  from 1967 to 1999 and currently heads Globe Properties and Jan's
  Fine Wines and Spirits; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Klinck's commitment to improving McAllen is also
  reflected in his participation in a broad range of civic
  activities; he has volunteered his time to benefit the McAllen
  Jaycees, the American Cancer Society, and drug-abuse programs in
  the McAllen schools, and he has served as chair of the McAllen
  Traffic Commission; moreover, he is active in area business groups
  such as the Downtown Merchants' Association, the McAllen Chamber of
  Commerce, and the McAllen Industrial Board and is a senior warden at
  Trinity Episcopal Church; and
         WHEREAS, This lifelong McAllen resident and his wife, Sally
  Sue, look forward to having more free time for travel and other
  pursuits once Mr. Klinck's responsibilities as a commissioner come
  to an end; as he looks back on his years in public office, Jan Klinck
  may take justifiable pride in his myriad contributions to the city,
  which will continue to benefit its residents for many years to come;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Jan Klinck for his service to the city of
  McAllen and extend to him best wishes for happiness and success in
  his future endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Klinck as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.