80R7377(68) SKA-D
  By: Raymond H.R. No. 1093
         WHEREAS, Laredo's school teachers play an essential role in
  guiding the development of the community's citizens, and those
  educators who have devoted many years to this vital profession are
  especially worthy of admiration; their dedicated efforts in the
  classroom can span multiple generations and make a positive and
  lasting impact on the city; and
         WHEREAS, Celia Martinez, who taught at H. B. Zachry
  Elementary School in Laredo before retiring, has earned a place
  among the city's most respected mentors and has established a
  lengthy record of service that all may admire; and
         WHEREAS, A teacher of immense ability, this outstanding
  educator has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the youth of
  the Laredo area, instilling in countless individuals the skills
  needed for a successful future; and
         WHEREAS, Those Texans who dedicate themselves to educating
  the young people of this state are deserving of our highest praise
  for their important work, and it is indeed a privilege to recognize
  the many contributions of Celia Martinez at this time; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Celia Martinez as an outstanding educator
  and commend this dedicated professional on a job well done; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Celia Martinez as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.