80R3841 JHS-D
  By: Anderson H.R. No. 1286
         WHEREAS, Andrew Lewis Cooper, a legend of baseball's Negro
  League, was elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in
  Cooperstown in 2006 by special committee, and this unique honor
  helps to further establish him as one of baseball's greatest
  players; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Waco on April 24, 1898, Andy "Lefty" Cooper
  was one of the most dominant pitchers to toe the mound during his
  21-year career; as a pitcher for the Detroit Stars and the Kansas
  City Monarchs, he posted an impressive 116-57 overall record, and
  his 29 saves are a Negro League record; he also ranks in the
  league's top 10 in career wins, strikeouts, shutouts, and winning
  percentage; and
         WHEREAS, The big Texan played seven seasons with Detroit
  before he was traded to Kansas City for five players; in 1929, he
  led the Monarchs to the Negro League pennant, and he later guided
  the team to three league titles as player-manager, a role in which
  he demonstrated his deep and abiding knowledge of the game of
  baseball; and
         WHEREAS, With an arsenal of devastating pitches, pinpoint
  control, and incredible baseball acumen, Andy Cooper was a giant of
  the game and one of his league's most popular players, and although
  his untimely demise in 1941 left a void in the lives of his family,
  friends, and many fans, his contributions to the game he loved
  helped make it possible for future generations of African American
  athletes to compete at the highest levels of sport; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize the induction of Andrew Lewis Cooper
  into the National Baseball Hall of Fame and extend congratulations
  to his family on this significant achievement; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the members of his family as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.