H.R. No. 1369
         WHEREAS, For nearly half a century, Father George Clements of
  Chicago has been an inspiring spiritual leader, and his visit to the
  State Capitol on April 4, 2007, provides a welcome opportunity to
  recognize his many worthy endeavors; and
         WHEREAS, Father Clements is a graduate of Archbishop Quigley
  Preparatory Seminary and the University of St. Mary of the Lake
  Mundelein Seminary and holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in
  philosophy and theology; ordained as a priest in 1957 by the
  Archdiocese of Chicago, he served for more than two decades as
  pastor of the Holy Angels Church;  active in the civil rights
  movement, he founded both the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus
  and the African-American Police League; and
         WHEREAS, After retiring from Holy Angels Church, Father
  Clements founded One Church-One Child, which assists families with
  the adoption of homeless black and biracial children; since its
  inception, the organization has been highly successful in
  fulfilling its goal and has placed more than 100,000 children in
  loving, adoptive homes; moreover, in 1981, Father Clements became
  the first priest to adopt a child and later adopted three more;  and
         WHEREAS, In addition to his work with adoption, Father
  Clements developed and implemented One Church-One Addict, a project
  involving more than 800 churches in 31 states that helps with the
  rehabilitation of those suffering from drug addiction; he has also
  helped numerous African students secure opportunities to pursue
  higher education in the United States, earning him recognition as
  an honorary chief of the Yoruba Tribe of Nigeria; and
         WHEREAS, A longtime champion of those less fortunate, this
  esteemed clergyman has gained international recognition for his
  humanitarian efforts, and it is a pleasure to welcome him to the
  State Capitol; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Father George Clements for his
  achievements with One Church-One Child as well as for his many other
  good works and extend to him warmest best wishes for the future;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Father Clements as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
Craddick Gattis Miles
Allen Geren Miller
Alonzo Giddings Moreno
Anchia Gonzales Morrison
Anderson Gonzalez Toureilles Mowery
Aycock Goolsby Murphy
Bailey Guillen Naishtat
Berman Haggerty Noriega
Bohac Hamilton O'Day
Bolton Hancock Oliveira
Bonnen Hardcastle Olivo
Branch Harless Orr
Brown of Kaufman Harper-Brown Ortiz, Jr.
Brown of Brazos Hartnett Otto
Burnam Heflin Parker
Callegari Hernandez Patrick
Castro Herrero Paxton
Chavez Hilderbran Pena
Chisum Hill Phillips
Christian Hochberg Pickett
Cohen Hodge Pierson
Coleman Homer Pitts
Cook of Navarro Hopson Puente
Cook of Colorado Howard of Fort Bend Quintanilla
Corte Howard of Travis Raymond
Crabb Hughes Riddle
Creighton Isett Ritter
Crownover Jackson Rodriguez
Darby Jones Rose
Davis of Harris Keffer Smith of Tarrant
Davis of Dallas King of Parker Smith of Harris
Delisi King of Taylor Smithee
Deshotel King of Zavala Solomons
Driver Kolkhorst Strama
Dukes Krusee Straus
Dunnam Kuempel Swinford
Dutton Latham Talton
Eiland Laubenberg Taylor
Eissler Leibowitz Thompson
Elkins Lucio III Truitt
England Macias Turner
Escobar Madden Van Arsdale
Farabee Mallory Caraway Vaught
Farias Martinez Veasey
Farrar Martinez Fischer Villarreal
Flores McCall Vo
Flynn McClendon West
Frost McReynolds Woolley
Gallego Menendez Zedler
Garcia Merritt Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1369 was adopted by the House on April
  4, 2007, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House