80R13814 BJM-D
  By: Coleman H.R. No. 1369
         WHEREAS, For nearly half a century, Father George Clements of
  Chicago has been an inspiring spiritual leader, and his visit to the
  State Capitol on April 4, 2007, provides a welcome opportunity to
  recognize his many worthy endeavors; and
         WHEREAS, Father Clements is a graduate of Archbishop Quigley
  Preparatory Seminary and the University of St. Mary of the Lake
  Mundelein Seminary and holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in
  philosophy and theology; ordained as a priest in 1957 by the
  Archdiocese of Chicago, he served for more than two decades as
  pastor of the Holy Angels Church;  active in the civil rights
  movement, he founded both the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus
  and the African-American Police League; and
         WHEREAS, After retiring from Holy Angels Church, Father
  Clements founded One Church-One Child, which assists families with
  the adoption of homeless black and biracial children; since its
  inception, the organization has been highly successful in
  fulfilling its goal and has placed more than 100,000 children in
  loving, adoptive homes; moreover, in 1981, Father Clements became
  the first priest to adopt a child and later adopted three more;  and
         WHEREAS, In addition to his work with adoption, Father
  Clements developed and implemented One Church-One Addict, a project
  involving more than 800 churches in 31 states that helps with the
  rehabilitation of those suffering from drug addiction; he has also
  helped numerous African students secure opportunities to pursue
  higher education in the United States, earning him recognition as
  an honorary chief of the Yoruba Tribe of Nigeria; and
         WHEREAS, A longtime champion of those less fortunate, this
  esteemed clergyman has gained international recognition for his
  humanitarian efforts, and it is a pleasure to welcome him to the
  State Capitol; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Father George Clements for his
  achievements with One Church-One Child as well as for his many other
  good works and extend to him warmest best wishes for the future;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Father Clements as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.