80R12917 CBE-D
  By: Howard of Travis H.R. No. 1394
         WHEREAS, The Marble Falls Independent School District has
  been awarded a Texas Early Education Model (TEEM) Pre-Kindergarten
  School Readiness grant by the Texas Education Agency; and
         WHEREAS, Under the able leadership of Superintendent Dr.
  Ryder Warren, Marble Falls ISD serves the communities of Marble
  Falls, Meadowlakes, Granite Shoals, Highland Haven, Cottonwood,
  Fairland, Smithwick, Horseshoe Bay South, and Spicewood; more than
  3,800 students attend its four elementary schools, one middle
  school, and two high schools; and
         WHEREAS, The generous TEA grant, worth $200,555, will be used
  by the district to improve school readiness services for young
  children using a research-based framework developed by the State
  Center for Early Childhood Development; moreover, it will allow the
  district to participate in the center's development and validation
  of the Texas School Readiness Certification System; and
         WHEREAS, Designed to prepare students for success in
  kindergarten, pre-kindergarten programs help develop language,
  mathematics, and social skills; high-quality pre-K has been shown
  to be a cost-effective way to reduce grade repetition and special
  education placements, as well as to be a factor in achieving
  long-term benefits such as high school graduation; and
         WHEREAS, Marble Falls ISD is home to a vibrant and growing
  student population, and the TEEM Pre-Kindergarten School Readiness
  grant will undoubtedly enhance the district's ability to address
  the specific needs of its youngest and most vulnerable children;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Marble Falls Independent
  School District on its receipt of a Texas Early Education Model
  Pre-Kindergarten School Readiness grant and extend to all those
  affiliated with the district's pre-K program sincere best wishes
  for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Marble Falls Independent School District as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.