80R13768 MDM-D
  By: Hughes H.R. No. 1460
         WHEREAS, The 100th year of an individual's life marks an
  extraordinary milestone, and Gladys Goss of Mineola celebrated a
  century of achievement and wonderful memories on February 15, 2007;
         WHEREAS, Affectionately known as "Granny Goose" by most
  people in this small Wood County community, Mrs. Goss grew up in
  Missouri, where she was the fifth of 12 children; and
         WHEREAS, She recalls childhood memories of a two-mile walk,
  sometimes through snow, to a one-room schoolhouse and vividly
  remembers her initial ride in an automobile and the family's first
  refrigerator; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. Goss left school early to assist a family
  member in Dallas; she began her working life at the age of 15 at the
  Brown Cracker and Candy Company, and was later employed by Lotts
  Laundry and Cleaning for some 35 years; she successfully balanced
  work and family responsibilities and was a devoted mother to her
  beloved daughter; and
         WHEREAS, A resident of Mineola since 1993, Mrs. Goss today
  embraces the freedom of living in her own home with minimal
  assistance and only recently gave up driving; a woman of abiding
  faith, she keeps up with friends from her Rebekah Lodge membership
  of 50-plus years, likes to watch game shows and church programs on
  television, and enjoys the love and affection of her many
  grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, This delightful centenarian attributes her
  longevity to genetics and to her steadfast spiritual beliefs; she
  maintains a positive outlook and an enthusiasm for each new day that
  are an inspiration to all who know her; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Gladys Goss on her 100th birthday
  and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued happiness; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mrs. Goss as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.