80R12643 JGH-D
  By: Hernandez H.R. No. 1496
         WHEREAS, Students in today's world are presented with many
  distractions from their education; exposed to images and music from
  the popular media that sometimes suggest questionable values,
  children need guidance in making good choices, and parents often
  benefit from practical suggestions to create a supportive home
  environment; and
         WHEREAS, "Partners in Learning: Schools and Families Build
  the Future" was designed to strengthen and enhance the
  collaboration between schools and families in a student's
  education, and it was introduced as a 2006-2007 pilot program at
  Jacinto City Elementary School in the Galena Park Independent
  School District; the program is based on the premise that school and
  home are not separate parts of a student's life, but that they may
  be coordinated to reinforce each other; just as parent
  participation improves a child's educational achievement, a good
  education from kindergarten through high school provides students
  with the foundation for a better life for themselves and their
  families; and
         WHEREAS, Created by Dee Owens, a Harris County businesswoman
  and community activist, the program benefited from the input of
  project co-author Dr. Karen Hattaway, a professor of English at San
  Jacinto College North, from the participation of other leaders from
  the government, business, and education sectors in Harris County,
  and from a grant by the Lyondell Corporation; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Owens has created for parents a Partners in
  Learning notebook, which provides information enabling them to
  contribute to their children's education; the notebook includes a
  calendar of topics that the child will be studying, information on
  the child's anticipated development over the course of the school
  year, as well as lists of safe Internet sites, medical facilities in
  the area, and family activities in Houston; and
         WHEREAS, Dee Owens and her collaborators have been
  instrumental in creating an admirable and useful program that will
  enable families to participate in the schooling of their children,
  and this worthy project is helping to improve educational
  opportunities in the Houston community; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the 2006-2007 "Partners in Learning:
  Schools and Families Build the Future" pilot program at Jacinto
  City Elementary School and extend to Dee Owens and the project's
  other organizers best wishes for continued success; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Owens and Jacinto City Elementary School as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.