80R14403 LRP-D
  By: Smith of Tarrant H.R. No. 1586
         WHEREAS, Angelina McGough has shown great initiative and
  school spirit by serving on the student council for Treetops
  Intermediate School in Euless; and
         WHEREAS, The fifth- and sixth-grade students who serve on the
  council devote several hours each month to important projects that
  help their schoolmates and other residents of their community; with
  the assistance of council advisor Marci Clanton-Meyer and Treetops
  director Lou Blanchard, these responsible young Texans are doing
  their part to improve the world around them while learning
  important lessons about civic involvement; and
         WHEREAS, A member of the Treetops Intermediate School Student
  Council for two years, Ms. McGough has served as the council public
  relations officer during this period; her duties include making
  posters that remind members of meetings and that publicize events
  of interest to the entire school; she has participated in a variety
  of council projects, including a literacy program to assist younger
  students and a group effort to adopt a nursing home and has led
  campus tours for visitors and welcomed new students to Treetops;  
  she also helped plan Red Ribbon Week, part of a national program
  that allows students to learn the dangers of drugs and alcohol, and
  contributed to the creation of a mural that illustrates the "I Have
  A Dream" speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. McGough has also been involved in council
  activities that support the U.S. troops serving overseas, including
  Operation Valentine and Flags Across America;  for these projects,
  she created valentine cards and hand-drawn flags that contained
  messages for active-duty military personnel; moreover, she was
  involved in the Veteran's Day project that recognized family
  members for their military service by including their names on a
  wall of honor in the classroom, and she was part of a welcome party
  for returning soldiers at the Dallas/Fort Worth International
  Airport; in total, she has logged more than 50 hours of work as a
  student council volunteer; and
         WHEREAS, Committed to bettering her school and community,
  Angelina McGough has played an important role in student council
  activities, and her dedication and hard work indeed merit special
  recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Angelina McGough for her service on the
  Treetops Intermediate School Student Council and extend to her best
  wishes for continued achievement as a student and citizen; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. McGough as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.