80R16098 SKA-D
  By: Hill H.R. No. 1604
         WHEREAS, The Richardson Independent School District Capitol
  Scholars program promotes academic excellence and challenges
  students to expand their horizons of knowledge beyond the
  classroom; and
         WHEREAS, Given outstanding support by the Richardson
  business community, this worthy program allows a group of
  exceptional young men and women the unique opportunity to observe
  the governmental process and to meet many of the individuals who
  participate in it; and
         WHEREAS, Having earned this singular distinction through
  superior achievement in a competitive essay contest, this year's
  2007 RISD Capitol Scholars are Amy Hargis and Paul Limanni of Lake
  Highlands High School, Andrew Townsend and Beserate Gebeta of
  Richardson High School, Ryan Riseman and William Fanous of Pearce
  High School, and Christina Carranza and Eric Shu of Berkner High
  School; these students are accompanied on their trip to Austin by
  teachers Steven Howell, Mark McKee, Regina Moss, and Tracey Bishkin
  and by RISD social studies director Melinda Smith; and
         WHEREAS, This exemplary group is being welcomed to the
  Capitol by State Representative Fred Hill, who has sponsored the
  RISD Capitol Scholars program for 10 legislative sessions; and
         WHEREAS, The RISD Capitol Scholars program fosters an
  interest in and understanding of the governmental process for the
  leaders of tomorrow, and it is indeed appropriate that this
  valuable endeavor be given special legislative recognition; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby welcome the participants in the 2007 Richardson
  ISD Capitol Scholars program and congratulate them on their
  outstanding accomplishments; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the 2007 RISD Capitol Scholars as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.