80R15973 JNC-D
  By: Davis of Dallas H.R. No. 1639
         WHEREAS, Constable Derick Evans of Lancaster has been named a
  winner of the 2007 Outstanding Texan Award in the category of public
  safety by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus; and
         WHEREAS, Outstanding Texans are honored for the positive
  impact they make in their communities, and the dedicated service
  that Constable Evans has provided as a law enforcement officer has
  greatly enhanced the lives of many individuals in the Dallas area;
         WHEREAS, Constable Evans earned his basic and intermediate
  peace officer licenses from Dallas Baptist University and went on
  to receive additional training from the Dallas County Sheriff's
  Academy, Collin County Law Enforcement Academy, Cedar Valley
  Community College in Dallas, and Texas State University; and
         WHEREAS, He joined the Dallas County Constable's Office in
  1989, quickly earning promotion to the rank of assistant chief
  deputy; in 2001, this notable Texan was appointed constable of
  Dallas County Precinct 7, later reformed as Precinct 1, and in 2002
  he was elected to this position; reelected in 2006, he has served
  his fellow citizens with distinction, making himself and his
  deputies available to area schools, churches, crime watch groups,
  and businesses to provide informational seminars on community
  policing, identity theft, gun safety, and personal safety; and
         WHEREAS, A member of such professional groups as the National
  Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, Dallas County
  Peace Officers Association, the Justices of the Peace and
  Constables Association, and the Cedar Valley Community College Law
  Enforcement Education Board, he further shares his time with the
  Lancaster and Southeast Dallas Chambers of Commerce, the Urban
  League of Greater Dallas board of directors, and On Point
  Ministries; and
         WHEREAS, Derick Evans stands as an inspiring example of how
  one person can better a community through professional dedication
  and civic activism, and the Outstanding Texan commendation is a
  fitting recognition of his exemplary achievements; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Constable Derick Evans for
  receiving a 2007 Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative
  Black Caucus and extend to him best wishes for further success; and,
  be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Constable Evans as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.