80R15440 KOB-D
  By: Gallego H.R. No. 1766
         WHEREAS, The passing of Nora Sotelo Cordero on April 9, 2007,
  at the age of 55, has deeply saddened the family and friends of this
  respected Marfa resident; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Marfa to Maximo Sotelo and Margarita Munoz
  Sotelo on February 3, 1952, Nora Cordero was married to Felipe
  Cordero, a Presidio County commissioner, for 28 years, and together
  they raised seven daughters and a son; and
         WHEREAS, Although her life ended far too soon, those
  fortunate enough to have known Nora Cordero and to have shared in
  her love and friendship will always remember her devotion to her
  fine family and her dedication to her faith and her community; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Nora Sotelo Cordero
  and extend deepest sympathy to her family: to her husband, Felipe A.
  Cordero; to her son, Felipe A. Cordero, Jr.; to her daughters,
  Crystal, Angela, Brenda, and Hilda Cordero, Rebecca C. Salcido,
  Bertha Sheffield, and Precilla Martinez; to her mother, Margarita
  Sotelo; to her brothers, Raymundo and Leo Sotelo; to her sisters,
  Jeanie Sotelo and Maria Elena Galindo; to her 16 grandchildren; and
  to her other relatives and many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Nora Sotelo