H.R. No. 1767
       WHEREAS, Veteran firefighter Daniel Young of the Del Rio Fire
and Rescue Department has been named the department's 2006
Firefighter of the Year, an annual honor bestowed on individuals
who demonstrate excellence in the performance of their duties; and
       WHEREAS, Since joining the department on August 28, 1995,
this dedicated public servant has gone above and beyond the call of
duty on numerous occasions, including participation in two swift
water rescues in 1996 and 1997 that earned him recognition from his
department and the Uvalde County Sheriff's Department; and
       WHEREAS, Firefighter Young received his Basic Firefighter
Certification on August 13, 1996, and was promoted to engineer on
January 17, 1998; he has since earned Intermediate Firefighter
Certification, Fire Service Instructor I Certification, Advanced
Firefighter Certification, and Emergency Medical Technician Basic
Certification; and
       WHEREAS, A trusted and valued member of the Del Rio Fire
Department, Engineer Young has demonstrated an unwavering
commitment to protecting the lives and property of his fellow
citizens, and it is a pleasure to recognize this esteemed
individual for his myriad contributions to the Del Rio community;
now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
Legislature hereby congratulate Daniel Young on his selection as
the Del Rio Fire and Rescue Department's 2006 Firefighter of the
Year and extend to him best wishes for continued success and
achievement; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Mr. Young as an expression of high regard by the Texas
House of Representatives.
Speaker of the House     
       I certify that H.R. No. 1767 was adopted by the House on May
18, 2007, by a non-record vote.
Chief Clerk of the House