80R18167 JHS-D
  By: Dutton H.R. No. 1846
         WHEREAS, Houston native Harold Lloyd Hempstead retired from
  Baker Oil Tools after 32 years of dedicated service with the
  company, and he will be honored by family and friends at a ceremony
  on May 5, 2007, at Memory's Banquet Facility; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Hempstead's final day at work was also his
  birthday, making April 12, 2007, twice as nice for the longtime
  employee; and
         WHEREAS, A product of Houston public schools, Mr. Hempstead
  attended Bruce Elementary School, E. O. Smith Junior High School,
  and Phillis Wheatley High School before continuing his education at
  Texas Southern University; and
         WHEREAS, This patriotic American served his country during
  the Vietnam War and was awarded the Purple Heart; he is a longtime
  member of Sloan Memorial United Methodist Church and has held many
  leadership positions during his more than 50 years as a devoted
  congregant; and
         WHEREAS, Among the family members who join in wishing him
  well as he begins his retirement are his sisters, Carol Lois Holman,
  Flossie Hempstead Pollard, and Bobbie Hempstead Jones, and his
  brothers, Donald Richard Conner and Willie Hempstead; and
         WHEREAS, Harold Hempstead enjoyed a long and rewarding career
  with Baker Oil Tools, and he may look back with pride on his
  contributions to the company even as he looks forward to embarking
  on the next chapter of his life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Harold Lloyd Hempstead on his
  retirement after 32 years of service with Baker Oil Tools and extend
  to him best wishes for continued success and happiness in all his
  endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Hempstead as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.