80R18115 JGH-D
  By: Taylor H.R. No. 1880
         WHEREAS, The NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston and its
  employees have generously supported the students of the Clear Creek
  Independent School District over the 2006-2007 school year; and
         WHEREAS, Clear Creek ISD participates in Project Lead The
  Way, a national program designed to foster student interest in
  science and engineering by providing hands-on experience with
  real-world projects; the resources and guidance provided by Johnson
  Space Center employees and executives in implementing this program
  at Clear Creek and Clear Lake High Schools helped both schools
  receive national certification, and Clear Creek High School's PLTW
  was cited as a model program; and
         WHEREAS, NASA's own HUNCH program, which stands for High
  School Students United with NASA to Create Hardware, involves
  middle and high school students in the construction of space-flight
  equipment; with the support of volunteers from NASA, Clear Creek
  High School students have built flight hardware that will be flown
  on the space shuttle; and
         WHEREAS, As part of the HUNCH program, NASA has also donated
  equipment that CCISD students have used to manufacture 30 rack
  power smoke indicator units, 38 internal vehicular activity hand
  rails, and four treadmill vibration isolation system rope
  assemblies; and
         WHEREAS, NASA and its Johnson Space Center employees have
  donated time and equipment that has allowed students of CCISD to
  have a close-up experience of both the excitement and the
  discipline of science and engineering, and this remarkable
  contribution has helped to encourage a new generation of Texan
  scientists and engineers; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend NASA and the employees of the Johnson
  Space Center for donating their time, expertise, and equipment to
  the students of Clear Creek Independent School District and extend
  best wishes to the staff of the Johnson Space Center for their
  continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Johnson Space Center as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.