H.R. No. 1881
       WHEREAS, After 33 years of offering spiritual guidance and
leading missionary projects, Pastor Edward Bryan Morrison of the
Church of the Living Water in Deer Park is retiring on July 29,
2007; and
        WHEREAS, Bryan Morrison founded this nondenominational
church on March 15, 1974, inspired by the ideal of emphasizing the
commonalities among Christians, rather than the differences; over
the years, the congregation of the Church of the Living Water has
grown to more than 250 members; and
       WHEREAS, Active in ministerial work outside of the United
States, Pastor Morrison played an important role in the founding of
an English school in Quito, Ecuador, where students of limited
financial resources can study; he has also supported the
construction and maintenance of churches in Honduras, and he is a
part of a global evangelical team that provides support to pastors
and congregations all over the world, many of which cannot worship
openly because they suffer religious persecution; and
       WHEREAS, In all of his work, Bryan Morrison has enjoyed the
love and support of his family, which includes his wife, Margaret,
daughters Paula Sullivan and her husband, Mark, and Danna Shaw and
her husband, Jaime, and grandchildren Morgan and Adrianne Sullivan
and Blair and Darby Shaw; and
       WHEREAS, By following his principles and encouraging others
to do the same, Pastor Morrison has established a strong legacy of
hope, faith, and activism, and his steadfast efforts over more than
three decades have positively influenced countless lives in his own
community and abroad; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
Legislature hereby congratulate Pastor Bryan Morrison on his
retirement from the Church of the Living Water and extend to him
best wishes for happiness and success as he embarks on the next
stage of his life; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Pastor Morrison as an expression of high regard by the
Texas House of Representatives.
Speaker of the House     
       I certify that H.R. No. 1881 was adopted by the House on May
18, 2007, by a non-record vote.
Chief Clerk of the House