WHEREAS, After 33 years of offering spiritual guidance and |
leading missionary projects, Pastor Edward Bryan Morrison of the |
Church of the Living Water in Deer Park is retiring on July 29, |
2007; and |
WHEREAS, Bryan Morrison founded this nondenominational |
church on March 15, 1974, inspired by the ideal of emphasizing the |
commonalities among Christians, rather than the differences; over |
the years, the congregation of the Church of the Living Water has |
grown to more than 250 members; and |
WHEREAS, Active in ministerial work outside of the United |
States, Pastor Morrison played an important role in the founding of |
an English school in Quito, Ecuador, where students of limited |
financial resources can study; he has also supported the |
construction and maintenance of churches in Honduras, and he is a |
part of a global evangelical team that provides support to pastors |
and congregations all over the world, many of which cannot worship |
openly because they suffer religious persecution; and |
WHEREAS, In all of his work, Bryan Morrison has enjoyed the |
love and support of his family, which includes his wife, Margaret, |
daughters Paula Sullivan and her husband, Mark, and Danna Shaw and |
her husband, Jaime, and grandchildren Morgan and Adrianne Sullivan |
and Blair and Darby Shaw; and |
WHEREAS, By following his principles and encouraging others |
to do the same, Pastor Morrison has established a strong legacy of |
hope, faith, and activism, and his steadfast efforts over more than |
three decades have positively influenced countless lives in his own |
community and abroad; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate Pastor Bryan Morrison on his |
retirement from the Church of the Living Water and extend to him |
best wishes for happiness and success as he embarks on the next |
stage of his life; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Pastor Morrison as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |