H.R. No. 1899
         WHEREAS, The Blinn College Buccaneers claimed the 2006
  National Junior College Athletic Association football
  championship, an achievement that represents the team's third
  national title in the past 11 years; and
         WHEREAS, The Buccaneers defeated Pearl River Community
  College in the Pilgrim's Pride Bowl Classic on December 9, 2006, to
  cap a perfect 12-0 season and earn the number one ranking in the
  season-ending poll; and
         WHEREAS, With a hard-charging running attack and an almost
  impenetrable defense, the Buccaneers dominated opponents on both
  sides of the ball and inspired the team's many fans with their
  enthusiasm and commitment to excellence; and
         WHEREAS, Head coach Brad Franchione instilled the importance
  of teamwork and gridiron fundamentals in his players, and he was
  aided by the efforts of his talented assistant coaches, including
  Mike Nesbitt, Lloyd Spotted Wolf, Kevin McKinley, Denauld Brown,
  Keith Browning, and Matt Richardson; athletic trainer Kris
  Kapchinski also played a key role in the team's success; and
         WHEREAS, The memory of this achievement will remain with the
  players, coaches, and students of Blinn College for years to come,
  and the Buccaneers are most worthy of special recognition for their
  superlative performance during the 2006 campaign; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Coach Brad Franchione and the Blinn
  College Buccaneers football team on winning the 2006 National
  Junior College Athletic Association championship and extend best
  wishes to the players, coaches, and staff for continued success;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1899 was adopted by the House on May
  18, 2007, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House