80R18111 JNC-D
  By: Harless H.R. No. 1923
         WHEREAS, Pat Huff is retiring from his position as principal
  of Klein High School in 2007, bringing to a close an exceptional
  career in education that has spanned more than 30 years; and
         WHEREAS, A native of Santa Monica, California, Mr. Huff
  graduated from Kimball High School in Dallas, earning his
  bachelor's degree from Texas Christian University in 1973 and later
  pursuing graduate studies at Sam Houston State University; he
  developed a love of athletics as a young man and excelled at
  pole-vaulting; he competed in the sport well into his mid-40s,
  winning six state meets and two silver medals at the national level;
         WHEREAS, Mr. Huff began his teaching career at Aldine High
  School, where he served as a P.E. teacher and as coach of the
  gymnastics and girls track teams; he went on to hold positions as
  assistant principal at Shotwell Middle School, Oakridge High
  School, Hildebrandt Intermediate School, and Klein High School;
  after serving as principal of Kleb Intermediate School for six
  years, he returned to Klein High School as its principal in 2002;
         WHEREAS, Through the decades, Mr. Huff's dedication and
  experience have earned him the respect of his colleagues and
  students, who admire his wisdom, his leadership, and his ability to
  inspire high personal standards in others; and
         WHEREAS, Retirement will afford him more time to spend with
  his wife of 25 years, Connie, and his children, Kristin, Bobby, and
  Lauren, and to pursue work as a personal trainer; and
         WHEREAS, Although his colleagues are sorry to see him go, his
  influence will be felt for many years to come, as those who have
  learned from him continue to practice the principles he applied to
  the demanding and rewarding job of educating our young people; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Principal Pat Huff of Klein High
  School on his retirement and extend to him sincere best wishes for
  continued success in all of his endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Huff as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.