80R13304 JHS-D
  By: Gattis H.R. No. 1976
         WHEREAS, Maxie Morgan, superintendent of Cameron Independent
  School District, is retiring on June 30, 2007, after 38 years of
  dedicated service with the district; and
         WHEREAS, A graduate of the University of North Texas, Mr.
  Morgan joined the faculty of the O. J. Thomas School in 1969 and
  spent four years teaching and coaching at the junior high school; he
  moved from the classroom to administration in 1973 when he became
  the district's federal programs director and media center director;
  in that capacity he worked to ensure that students had access to
  high quality media tools and equipment; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Morgan's steady advancement and acceptance of
  increased responsibility coincided with the district's accelerated
  growth; while serving as principal of C. H. Yoe High School from
  1978 to 1982, he oversaw the many renovations and improvements to
  the high school's facilities and grounds, and he can take special
  pride in the academic, athletic, and extracurricular successes of
  the school's students during his years as principal; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Morgan became the district's business manager in
  1982; the face of the district changed enormously over the next two
  decades as facilities were expanded and many new buildings were
  constructed; and
         WHEREAS, Following his successful tenure as business
  manager, Mr. Morgan was named interim superintendent in 2001 and
  superintendent in 2002; in those roles he once again found himself
  pushing the district toward innovation and progressive change, most
  notably in the advancement of the district's state-of-the-art
  technology program; today, Cameron ISD provides a firm educational
  foundation on which its students can build; and
         WHEREAS, Cameron Independent School District owes a debt of
  gratitude to Maxie Morgan for his visionary leadership and
  dedication to creating superior educational opportunities for the
  district's students, and his legacy of achievement will continue to
  benefit the district and its students for years to come; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Maxie Morgan on the occasion of his
  retirement as superintendent of Cameron Independent School
  District and commend him for his exemplary service to generations
  of young people in Cameron; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Morgan as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.