80R19634 JNC-F
  By: Vaught H.R. No. 2230
         WHEREAS, Throughout the history of the Texas National Guard,
  its members have served the Lone Star State with distinction and
  valor, and the important contributions of the 71st Brigade Combat
  Team and its subordinate battalions are truly worthy of special
  recognition; and
         WHEREAS, With remarkable perseverance, courage,
  self-sacrifice, and military competence, the soldiers of this
  esteemed Texas Brigade have supported the Global War on Terrorism
  and Homeland Defense throughout the state; dutifully carrying out
  their mission in North Texas since July 18, 1917, as the 71st
  Brigade 36th Infantry Division, the 72nd Separate Infantry Brigade
  (Mechanized), 3rd Brigade 49th Armored Division, and again as the
  71st Brigade 36th Infantry Division, the soldiers have continuously
  supported the needs of the State of Texas, its governor and
  communities, and the wartime mission of the U.S. Army and the
  nation's president; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas military forces are undergoing a historic
  transformation to capably meet the needs of the great State of
  Texas, her citizens, and the United States Army and its future
  missions; as new Texas Guard units are created, the distinguished
  National Guard soldiers of the 71st Brigade will rise to meet the
  challenge of their changing duties; and
         WHEREAS, The 71st Brigade 36th Infantry Division will case
  their esteemed colors and guidons in Dallas on July 15, 2007,
  concluding their mission and permanently recording their honorable
  legacy in the annals of Texas and U.S. Army history; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend all of the men and women who have served
  with the 71st Brigade 36th Infantry Division for defending the
  freedoms and rights of the citizens of the United States and extend
  to these soldiers, their commander, Colonel George A. Brinegar, and
  their Command Sergeant Major Joe H. Ray deep gratitude for their
  service and sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the adjutant general of the State of Texas military
  forces, the commander of the 36th Infantry Division, and the
  headquarters of the 71st Brigade as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.