80R19904 BJM-D
  By: Isett H.R. No. 2238
       WHEREAS, Laura Lynn Lewis of Lubbock has distinguished
herself as a talented and accomplished artist; and
       WHEREAS, Ms. Lewis attended The University of Texas at Austin
and also studied with Glenna Goodacre; initially interested in
printmaking, she later turned to portraiture in pastel and oil, and
more recently, to landscapes, with the expansive high plains of
West Texas serving as her inspiration; and
       WHEREAS, Her work has been shown at a number of galleries,
competitions, and art festivals in Texas and New Mexico; recently
selected for solo exhibitions at the Ediblemetal Gallery and the
Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts, Ms. Lewis was the
recipient of the Best of Oil honors at the Red River Valley National
Juried Competition in 2004 and Juror's Awards at the Lubbock Spring
Arts Festival in 1997 and 2003; and
       WHEREAS, Through the beauty and power of her work, Ms. Lewis
pays tribute to the land and the people of West Texas, and her
contributions to the rich cultural tapestry of the Lone Star State
indeed merit recognition; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
Legislature hereby congratulate Laura Lynn Lewis on her
achievements as an artist and extend to her best wishes for
continued success; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Ms. Lewis as an expression of high regard by the Texas
House of Representatives.