80R20015 BJM-D
  By: Gonzales H.R. No. 2402
         WHEREAS, The Hidalgo-Starr Texas Exes have honored Morris and
  Rita Atlas of McAllen by establishing a scholarship in their name
  that will be awarded annually to a student from the Rio Grande
  Valley planning to attend The University of Texas at Austin; and
         WHEREAS, The Upper Rio Grande Valley chapter of the UT alumni
  association, the Hidalgo-Starr Texas Exes selected Mr. and Mrs.
  Atlas for this honor in recognition of their ongoing support of UT
  as well as their active engagement in their community; the couple's
  longtime support of the university has been previously acknowledged
  with a faculty chair in advocacy at the UT School of Law; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Atlas, a founding partner of the Atlas and Hall
  law firm, graduated from the UT School of Law in 1950; a life member
  of the UT Law School Foundation Board of Trustees, he served on The
  University of Texas-Pan American Board of Regents and the UT
  Chancellor's Council; moreover, he has been recognized with a law
  school faculty award, a distinguished alumnus award from the UT
  Ex-Students Association, and an outstanding alumnus award from the
  law school's alumni association; and
         WHEREAS, Rita Atlas is also an accomplished Texan who has
  always found time in her busy life to contribute her energy and
  resources to many worthy endeavors in the Rio Grande Valley; a
  tireless force in the area of community service, she has long played
  a vital role in various organizations, and for her myriad
  contributions, she has been honored as Woman of the Year by the
  McAllen Chamber of Commerce; and
         WHEREAS, The first recipient of the Atlas scholarship has
  already been named, and she is Elyssa Berg, a senior at the South
  Texas High School for Health Professions in Mercedes; she and other
  young Texans from the Rio Grande Valley will benefit immeasurably
  from this award that pays fitting tribute to two generous
  supporters of higher education and South Texas; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Morris and Rita Atlas on the
  Hidalgo-Starr Texas Exes scholarship created in their honor and
  commend them for their good works and deeds; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Atlas as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.