80R19525 JHS-D
  By: Deshotel H.R. No. 2440
       WHEREAS, Noah Erasmo Lopez of Dallas celebrates his first
birthday on May 14, 2007, and this joyous event will be shared by
his parents, Rafael and Jennifer Gail Lopez, and the many members of
his extended family; and
       WHEREAS, Born on Mother's Day at Baylor Dallas Hospital, Noah
weighed in at 6 pounds, 6 ounces, and his honorary aunt and uncle,
Jackie and Isaac Garcia, immediately dubbed him "one of the cutest
babies ever" and anointed him the number one fan of the Dallas Stars
and the youngest member of the Mike Modano fan club; the little
sports fan's other favorite teams include the San Antonio Spurs and
the St. Louis Rams, and his interests also include learning to play
the guitar and listening to his favorite song, "Sleepwalker," by
heavy metal behemoth, Megadeth; and
       WHEREAS, Named Noah in reference to his parents' love of
animals, the tyke's middle name was selected in honor of his late
great-grandfather, Erasmo Ventura, who served in the U.S. Air Force
and enjoyed a rewarding career with the Texas State Department of
Highways and Public Transportation before his passing on August 10,
2002; other relatives include his maternal grandmother and daytime
caretaker Delia Ventura, maternal grandfathers Robert Christopher
Altieri and Kent Alan Keeler, paternal grandmother Margarita Esther
Lopez, paternal grandfather Francisco Lopez, great-grandmothers
Manuela Ventura, Consuelo Balderama de Rivera, and Dolores Reyes de
Lopez, and great-grandfathers Maximiliano Rivera and Ignacio
Lopez; he enjoys the affection of many other devoted admirers,
including honorary uncles Daniel Avila and David Tobias, as well as
Leticia Cortez and Clint Lundquist, who became Noah's godparents
following his baptism on March 18, 2007; and
       WHEREAS, Blessed with an irresistible smile, a winning
personality, and a rich Texas heritage, Noah Erasmo Lopez is truly a
welcome addition to the state's citizenry, and the occasion of his
first birthday will surely be a memorable day in the lives of his
family members and friends; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
Legislature hereby congratulate Noah Erasmo Lopez on his first
birthday and extend best wishes to the Lopez family for a joyous
birthday celebration; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Noah Erasmo Lopez as an expression of high regard by
the Texas House of Representatives.