80R20018 JH-D
  By: Goolsby H.R. No. 2450
       WHEREAS, The Chief Clerk's Office of the Texas House of
Representatives has played an essential role in the activities of
the Regular Session of the 80th Legislature; and
       WHEREAS, Led by Robert Haney, the Chief Clerk's Office
organizes the flow of the legislative workload and is responsible
for processing the thousands of documents that move through the
chamber during a session; and
       WHEREAS, Assisting the chief clerk in the completion of these
important duties is a resourceful staff that includes bill clerks
Stephen E. Brown and Stacy L. Williams, assistant bill clerks Amy S.
Baillargeon and Josefina M. Gamez, night clerk Patrick J. Chaiken,
reading clerks Connor J. Nix and Sarah K. Seidlits, and senate
messenger Shabaz A. Nizami; and
       WHEREAS, The members of the house are well aware of both the
challenging work environment of a legislative session and the
crucial importance of accuracy in handling our legislation, and the
exemplary efforts of Mr. Haney and his staff have earned our sincere
admiration and appreciation; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
Legislature hereby recognize the exceptional efforts of the Chief
Clerk's Office and extend to Chief Clerk Robert Haney and his staff
warmest best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Mr. Haney and the staff of the Chief Clerk's Office as
an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.