80R21996 JGH-D
  By: McClendon H.R. No. 2530
         WHEREAS, Joel Tabar, a McClendon Legislative Scholar in the
  office of Representative Ruth McClendon for the 80th Legislative
  Session, has been accepted into The University of Texas School of
  Law for the fall 2007 semester; and
         WHEREAS, This talented and hardworking young man joined the
  United States Air Force at the age of 17 as an emergency medical
  technician so that he could help save lives; after attending
  St. Philip's College and Palo Alto College, he entered The
  University of Texas at San Antonio, where he earned academic
  acclaim while completing his studies in criminal justice; cited on
  the UTSA Honors President's List, he graduated summa cum laude in
  May 2007 with a 4.0 grade point average; he also received perfect
  marks at the UTSA Summer Law School Preparation Academy and has
  earned the Certificate of Legal Reasoning; and
         WHEREAS, Active in a number of academic organizations, Mr.
  Tabar has been president of the Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership
  Honor Society, vice president of the Alpha Chi Honor Society, and
  sergeant-at-arms of the Omega Nu Epsilon Criminal Justice
  Fraternity; in addition, he has served as the professional
  development chair of Phi Alpha Delta and a supplemental instructor
  for the UTSA criminal justice department; and
         WHEREAS, While at UTSA, Mr. Tabar has continued to serve his
  country in the Air Force ROTC, and he was named General Military
  Course Cadet in 2005 and promoted to Professional Officer Course
  Cadet, Material Management Officer in 2006; despite the many
  demands on his time, he has helped build houses for Habitat for
  Humanity and is a founding member of the UTSA voter registration
  drive; and
         WHEREAS, During his time as a legislative scholar this
  session, Mr. Tabar has impressed his colleagues with his
  reliability and responsibility, acting as point man in assisting
  Representative McClendon with her work on the Appropriations
  Committee; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Tabar's drive, good humor, and commitment to
  excellence have impressed all who know him; as he prepares to enter
  law school, and as he and his wife April and their son Gabriel look
  forward to this next chapter in their lives, it is fitting to pay
  tribute to him; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Joel Tabar on his acceptance into
  The University of Texas School of Law and extend to him very best
  wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Tabar as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.