H.R. No. 2581
         WHEREAS, After nearly three decades of outstanding service
  with the Texas Legislature, esteemed Capitol denizen Sandy Rodesney
  is retiring from her position as chief of staff in the office of
  State Representative Robert Puente in June 2007; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Rodesney joined Representative Puente's staff
  in 1991 after interviewing the incoming freshman legislator to see
  if he was worth taking a chance on; 16 years later, this dynamic duo
  has proven to be a highly effective and efficient pairing, and the
  two have become fast friends and confidantes during their
  nine-session-long tenure in the legislative trenches; and
         WHEREAS, It was in 1978 that Ms. Rodesney came to Austin from
  Houston with her young daughter, Ang, in tow and inauspiciously
  began her career with the legislature as a sessional employee in the
  office of a state senator; after he lost his bid for higher office,
  Ms. Rodesney joined the staff of a state representative who also
  went on to lose his bid for higher office; given that track record,
  Representative Puente has perhaps wisely chosen not to pursue
  higher office with Ms. Rodesney in his employ; his intuition has
  greatly benefited the Texas House and has proven impeccable, much
  like his decision to offer Ms. Rodesney the job in the first place,
  once she agreed to take it; and
         WHEREAS, Over the course of her remarkable tenure, Ms.
  Rodesney has trained myriad staffers, earning the respect and
  admiration of all those who have been privileged to work with her;
  in fact, her kindness and generosity of spirit, combined with her
  considerable expertise as one of the legislature's longest-tenured
  employees, have led coworkers to start a petition to have her visage
  replace the face on the Goddess of Liberty atop the Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Unlikely to be "sweet-talked" out of retirement
  again, as she was in 2004, Sandy Rodesney will be deeply missed by
  her friends and colleagues under the dome, although they may find
  some measure of comfort in imagining her leading a carefree
  existence, even in odd-numbered years; no doubt the good life will
  include many trips to the San Francisco Bay area, where her daughter
  has become a successful interior designer and is establishing her
  own design firm; and
         WHEREAS, In bidding a fond farewell to their own "Sandra
  Dee," those who know her best acknowledge that while Ms. Rodesney
  will soon no longer frequent the Capitol, her influence will
  continue to resonate for many years to come in the lives of the
  countless people she helped during her years of public service;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Sandy Rodesney for her Capitol career with
  the State of Texas and extend to her sincere best wishes for a very
  happy and fulfilling retirement; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Rodesney as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 2581 was adopted by the House on May
  25, 2007, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House