H.R. No. 2582
         WHEREAS, The West Bowie County Rotary Club is celebrating a
  decade of service in 2007; and
         WHEREAS, Established as the New Boston Rotary Club in July
  1997, the group changed its name in 2002 to reflect the breadth of
  its outreach; members meet weekly at Mark Henry's Café in New
  Boston, where they discuss ways in which they can both serve their
  community and support the myriad projects sponsored by Rotary
  International; and
         WHEREAS, The club supports a number of worthwhile initiatives
  each year, raising scholarships for area high school seniors,
  donating dictionaries to third-graders, assisting with highway
  cleanup, providing Christmas gifts for needy children and families,
  and sponsoring a foreign exchange program; the American Red Cross
  and the Special Olympics also benefit from their efforts, and each
  month members pay tribute to a local civic leader with the Public
  Servant of the Month award; the group gives back to Rotary
  International each month through the Blue Jug collection, which
  encourages members to deposit their loose change into a blue jug;
         WHEREAS, Through the years, the West Bowie County Rotary Club
  has been recognized for its notable efforts; awarded the Rotary
  International Presidential Club Citation for outstanding club
  service to the community in 2006, the organization has also earned
  honors for its weekly bulletin in 1998 with the New Weekly Club
  Bulletin Award in Rotary District 5830; and
         WHEREAS, The members of the West Bowie County Rotary Club
  have committed themselves to continuing the tradition of excellence
  established by Rotary International, and it is a pleasure to honor
  their commitment to this admirable goal; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the members of the West Bowie
  County Rotary Club on the occasion of the group's 10th anniversary
  and commend them for their dedication to making their community a
  better place to live; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the club as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 2582 was adopted by the House on May
  25, 2007, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House