80R20761 JNC-D
  By: Rodriguez H.R. No. 2610
         WHEREAS, Barbara Hines was honored by the Political Asylum
  Project of Austin in May 2007 for her efforts to uphold the rights
  of immigrants; and
         WHEREAS, During the last two decades, PAPA has assisted tens
  of thousands of low-income immigrants by providing them with the
  legal information and services they need to become working,
  contributing members of our community; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Hines has long been an invaluable supporter of
  the organization's goals; the director of The University of Texas
  Immigration Law Clinic, she served as the first codirector of the
  Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law of Texas, Immigrant
  and Refugee Rights Project, and currently serves as counsel to the
  group; a noted writer and lecturer on issues related to immigration
  law, she is board certified in immigration and nationality law by
  the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and is a member of the
  American Immigration Lawyers Association and the board of directors
  of the Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild; and
         WHEREAS, This accomplished attorney earned her bachelor's
  degree from UT-Austin and her J.D. from Northeastern University; in
  1996, she traveled to Argentina as a Fulbright scholar to research
  local immigration law, and she earned another Fulbright award in
  2004; and
         WHEREAS, Highly respected by her peers, Ms. Hines was named a
  Texas Legal Legend by Texas Lawyer and has received the Texas Law
  Fellowships Excellence in Public Interest Award, the American
  Immigration Lawyers Association Jack Wasserman Award for
  Excellence in Litigation, and the AILA Texas Chapter Litigation
  Award; and
         WHEREAS, Barbara Hines has worked diligently to further the
  civil and human rights of immigrants and to build a more just and
  compassionate society, and her myriad achievements have
  distinguished her as an exemplary member of the Texas legal
  community; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Barbara Hines on her recent
  recognition from the Political Asylum Project of Austin and commend
  her for her many professional accomplishments; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Hines as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.