80R21344 JHS-D
  By: Hill H.R. No. 2630
         WHEREAS, The mock trial team from Richardson High School
  captured the 2007 state championship and went on to finish eighth at
  the national championships; and
         WHEREAS, The state championship is the third in the school's
  history and the first for team coach Sara Hofeditz, a Richardson
  High School alumna and former mock trial state champion; the team
  from Richardson also won the state title in 2002, when Ms. Hofeditz
  was a senior, and in 2003; and
         WHEREAS, The mock trial competition pits teams made up of 12
  students from grades 10 to 12 against one another in a courtroom
  setting; the students prepare to act as both prosecution and
  defense, not knowing which side of the case they will try until the
  trial begins; and
         WHEREAS, Junior Danny Weiner received one of 12 outstanding
  advocate awards at the national competition; his fellow team
  members included seniors Caitlin Barrett, Will Harpham, Kathryn
  Palagonia, and Michael Sheetz; juniors Jordyn Anders, Elise Miller,
  and Andrew Townsend; and sophomores Jessa DeGroote, Ilva Fejzulla,
  Whitney Nwaogwugwu, and Victoria Varner; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to benefiting from the superior coaching
  of Ms. Hofeditz, the team also received the support of attorney
  advisor Chris Pochyla; and
         WHEREAS, Excelling in competition requires commendable hard
  work and commitment, and the members of the Richardson High School
  mock trial team indeed merit special recognition for their
  accomplishments; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Sara Hofeditz and the members of
  the Richardson High School mock trial team on their state
  championship and their success at the national competition and
  extend best wishes to them for good fortune in all their future
  endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.