80R22716 MMS-D
  By: Raymond H.R. No. 2654
         WHEREAS, The Honorable Joe Farias of San Antonio developed a
  deep appreciation for the values of loyalty, integrity, and service
  during his tenure in the United States Army; and
         WHEREAS, A graduate of McCollum High School and St. Philip's
  College, Representative Farias volunteered for the army in 1968; he
  served for 12 months at Pleiku in Vietnam, where he was a member of a
  light engineering company attached to the Fourth Infantry Division,
  and he subsequently spent 18 months in West Berlin, attached to
  Headquarters Company, Second Battalion, Sixth Infantry Division;
         WHEREAS, While stationed in Germany, Representative Farias
  attended and graduated from the Seventh Army NCO Academy; promoted
  to sergeant at the conclusion of his noncommissioned officer
  training, he attained the rank of staff sergeant before being
  discharged at the end of his three-year enlistment; and
         WHEREAS, Following his return to San Antonio, Representative
  Farias joined City Public Service, the local public utility, where
  he worked his way up from novice machinist to supervisor of the CPS
  technical training division; after 32 years with CPS, he retired
  from the utility in 2003; and
         WHEREAS, Actively involved in his community for more than
  three and a half decades, Joe Farias has given generously of his
  time and efforts through such volunteer activities as coaching
  Little League and hosting barbecue dinner fund-raisers for the
  needy; he has also served on the San Antonio Zoning Commission and
  on the boards of St. Leo the Great Catholic School and the
  Harlandale Independent School District; and
         WHEREAS, Elected to his first term in the Texas Legislature
  in November 2006, Joe Farias represents House District 118, the
  district in which he has lived his entire life; he currently serves
  on the elections and the juvenile justice and family issues
  committees; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed Texan and his wife, Angie, are the
  proud parents of four sons, Gabe, Joey, Jaime, and Daniel; and
         WHEREAS, The exemplary service that Representative Farias
  rendered as a member of the United States Army constituted the
  auspicious first chapter of a lifetime of constructive endeavor in
  the public realm, and the citizens of Texas are indeed fortunate to
  have the benefit of this legislator's skillful leadership and
  tenacious commitment to the common good; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the Honorable Joe Farias for his
  outstanding military service and extend to him sincere appreciation
  for his continuing contributions in behalf of the Lone Star State;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Representative Farias as an expression of high regard
  by the Texas House of Representatives.