80R22942 DRH-D
  By: Smith of Tarrant H.R. No. 2671
         BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State of
  Texas, That, in accordance with Section 11, Article III, Texas
  Constitution, the House of Representatives of the 80th Legislature
  shall elect a speaker of the house from its own membership as
         SECTION 1.  NOMINATIONS.  (a) The presiding officer shall
  call for nominations from the floor for the election of speaker of
  the house of representatives and shall recognize every member who
  desires to make a nomination.
         (b)  Each member recognized for this purpose shall
  immediately advance to the front microphone and make the nomination
  in a nominating speech not to exceed 10 minutes in length.
         (c)  After all nominations have been made, the presiding
  officer shall declare nominations to be closed.
         SECTION 2.  VOTING PROCEDURES. (a) If there is only one
  nominee for speaker, the members shall record their votes from
  their desks on the voting machine.
         (b)  If there is more than one nominee for speaker, the chief
  clerk shall prepare paper ballots containing the name of each
  nominee and a space for indicating that the member is present, not
  voting. The ballot shall be prepared to allow a member to mark the
  ballot in a manner that does not disclose the member's identity.
         (c)  The chief clerk shall designate a voting area for the
  members to mark their ballots and shall provide a voting box for the
  marked ballots. Each member shall be called individually by the
  reading clerk and shall proceed to the voting area when called. As
  a member arrives at the voting area, the chief clerk shall hand the
  member the member's ballot and allow the member to privately mark
  the ballot. After marking the ballot, the member shall fold the
  ballot and return it to the chief clerk. The chief clerk shall
  initial each marked ballot and deposit it in the voting box.
         (d)  After all members have voted, the chief clerk, journal
  clerk, and voting clerk shall publicly count the ballots on the
  house floor. A ballot may not be counted unless it bears the chief
  clerk's initials. The chief clerk shall prepare a tally sheet
  indicating the total votes received by each nominee and the total
  number of ballots counted as present, not voting.
         (e)  All votes taken shall be by secret ballot and only the
  results of the election, including the total number of votes cast
  for each nominee and the number of members present, not voting,
  shall be entered in the House Journal.
  presiding officer shall announce the results of the election. If a
  nominee receives a majority of the votes cast, the presiding
  officer shall declare that nominee to be elected to the office of
  speaker of the house of representatives.  For purposes of
  determining a majority of the votes cast for speaker under this
  resolution, only a ballot marked for a single nominee is considered
  a vote cast.
         (b)  If no nominee receives a majority of the votes cast, an
  additional round of voting shall be conducted in accordance with
  the procedures for the initial vote except that the ballots shall be
  prepared to contain:
               (1)  the name of each nominee who received votes in the
  preceding round of voting, other than the nominee who received the
  fewest number of votes and each nominee who has withdrawn; and
               (2)  a space for indicating that the member is present,
  not voting.
         (c)  Following an additional round of voting under
  Subsection (b) of this section, the presiding officer shall
  announce the results and:
               (1)  if a nominee receives a majority of the votes cast,
  the presiding officer shall declare that nominee to be elected to
  the office of speaker of the house of representatives; or
               (2)  if no nominee receives a majority of the votes
  cast, additional rounds of voting shall occur in the manner
  provided by Subsection (b) of this section until a nominee receives
  a majority of the votes cast.
         SECTION 4.  TIE VOTES. If in a round of voting under this
  resolution no nominee receives a majority of the votes cast and it
  is not possible to determine which nominee received the fewest
  number of votes because of a tie vote, all nominees who received
  votes in that round of voting, other than a nominee who withdraws,
  shall be listed on the ballot in the subsequent round of voting.
         SECTION 5.  OATH.  After the election, the presiding officer
  shall direct the administration of the oath of office to the
  speaker-elect. The speaker shall take the chair immediately after
  taking the oath of office.