80R22569 JNC-D
  By: Merritt H.R. No. 2681
         WHEREAS, The year 2007 marks the 25th anniversary of the
  founding of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Longview; and
         WHEREAS, St. Mary's was built in an effort to meet the needs
  of Longview's Catholic community, which had outgrown its old
  downtown church, and in 1982 St. Mary's Parish was formed under the
  leadership of Bishop Thomas Tschoepe; and
         WHEREAS, Monsignor John A. Brennan served as the first pastor
  of St. Mary's, which is ably led today by the Reverend Gavin
  Vavarek; now a part of the Diocese of Tyler under Bishop Alvaro
  Corrado, S.J., the church has grown to include a school, sports
  center, rosary garden with sitting area, labyrinth, walking trail
  through the piney woods, and a 24-hour chapel; and
         WHEREAS, Outreach remains a priority for the institution,
  which hosts such events as the annual Stampede Race and Fun Run,
  Monsignor Shopka Golf Tournament, Wunderfall celebration, and the
  annual basketball free throw competition of the Knights of
  Columbus; and
         WHEREAS, From its beginnings, St. Mary's has served as a
  source of fellowship, comfort, and guidance to its members while
  also ministering to the needs of its community, and the
  congregation's rich and dynamic history is indeed deserving of
  special recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate St. Mary's Catholic Church in
  Longview on its 25th anniversary and extend to all those affiliated
  with the church sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the church as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.