By: Guillen H.R. No. 2725
         WHEREAS, Luis F. Pizzinni has rendered outstanding public
  service through the energetic leadership and consummate
  professionalism he, as Reserve Deputy Sheriff, has brought to the
  office of the Duval County Sheriff's Department; and
         WHEREAS, A skilled and dedicated peace officer, Reserve
  Deputy Sheriff Pizzinni can take justifiable pride in his 15 years
  of dedicated service to a department that plays such a vital role in
  the protection and maintenance of civil society.
         WHEREAS, The critical functions of that office range from the
  enforcement of state laws and county ordinances to the
  administration of the county jail, the service of process, and the
  provision of security for the county and district courts; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout his distinguished tenure, Reserve Deputy
  Sheriff Pizzinni has exemplified the highest ideals of the law
  enforcement profession and contributed immeasurably to the safety
  and well-being of his fellow citizens; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Reserve Deputy Sheriff Pizzinni of the
  Duval County Sheriff's Department for his admirable service to his
  community and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued
  success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Reserve Deputy Sheriff Pizzinni of the Duval County
  Sheriff's Department as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.