80R21347 JH-D
  By: Rodriguez H.R. No. 2781
         WHEREAS, Adela Garcia of Austin has distinguished herself as
  a highly successful professional fitness competitor who has risen
  to the top of the sport through her outstanding performances in
  important competitions; and
         WHEREAS, Since 2002, Ms. Garcia has won nine women's fitness
  events sponsored by the International Federation of Bodybuilding &
  Fitness, besting her competitors with stunning displays of
  strength, flexibility, and aerobic skill; in addition, she has
  placed second three times and has compiled two third-place finishes
  and one fourth-place finish during that five-year period; and
         WHEREAS, The sport's two most prestigious events, the IFBB
  Fitness Olympia and the IFBB Fitness International, have brought
  out the best in this clutch performer; in 2004, Adela Garcia pulled
  off the extremely rare feat of winning both of these competitions in
  the same year; in 2006, she repeated that amazing achievement; and
         WHEREAS, Born in the Dominican Republic, Ms. Garcia was
  raised in Puerto Rico and earned a degree in criminal justice at
  Inter American University of Puerto Rico; she entered her first
  fitness competition in 1995 while employed as a fitness instructor
  on the island; she moved to the U.S. mainland the following year and
  now resides in Austin, earning a living by working as a personal
  trainer and by conducting "mini boot camps" for aspiring fitness
  competitors; and
         WHEREAS, With her impressive accomplishments, Adela Garcia
  has proven herself a world-renowned athlete whose determination and
  hard work may serve as an inspiration to all; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Adela Garcia for her significant
  achievements as a professional fitness competitor and extend to her
  best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Garcia as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.