80R23350 JGH-D
  By: Villarreal H.R. No. 2888
         WHEREAS, The distinguished historian Dr. Antonia I.
  Castaneda is beginning a new chapter in her life with her retirement
  from St. Mary's University in San Antonio; and
         WHEREAS, A native of Crystal City, Dr. Castaneda was born
  into a family of farmworkers and accompanied them as they followed
  the crops to Washington State when she was a young girl; and
         WHEREAS, She earned her bachelor's degree in Spanish from
  Western Washington University and her master's degree in Latin
  American Studies from the University of Washington; in 1990, she
  received her Ph.D. in history from Stanford University; and
         WHEREAS, Professor Castaneda has taught at the University of
  California, Santa Barbara, and The University of Texas at Austin;
  in 1997 she joined the history department at St. Mary's University,
  where she served as the O'Connor Chair from 1998 to 2001; within the
  history department, Dr. Castaneda has overseen the minor in Mexican
  American and Latino Studies; and
         WHEREAS, One of the most influential Chicana feminist
  historians in the nation, Dr. Castaneda specializes in the subjects
  of gender, sexuality, and women of color in California and the
  Borderlands from the 16th century to the present; in 1972, while
  still a graduate student, she co-edited one of the important works
  in the field of Chicana and Chicano studies, Literatura Chicana:
  Texto y Contexto; her recent work encompasses such subjects as the
  history of Mestizas in colonial Alta California, a bilingual
  edition of 19th-century Californiana narratives, and a cultural
  history of Tejana farmworkers; and
         WHEREAS, Professor Castaneda has been an inspiring teacher as
  well as a pioneering scholar, mentoring students and encouraging
  the development of Chicana and Chicano studies; she has contributed
  greatly to her profession as a cofounder of Mujeres Activas en
  Letras y Cambio Social, as the editor of a Chicana studies journal
  and book series for The University of Texas Press, and through her
  work with the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies;
  in recognition of her work with the NACCS, Dr. Castaneda received a
  2007 NACCS Scholar Award; and
         WHEREAS, Both as a teacher and a scholar, Dr. Antonia
  Castaneda has been one of the most important figures in her
  discipline; her teaching has inspired her students to continue
  these important studies, and she may reflect with great pride on all
  that she has accomplished; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Dr. Antonia I. Castaneda on her
  retirement from St. Mary's University and extend to her best wishes
  for continued success in her future endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Castaneda as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.