By: Gattis H.R. No. 2985
         WHEREAS, Colleen Farish has provided valuable public service
  to the people of the great State of Texas as scheduler and
  constituent services assistant in the office of State
  Representative Dan Gattis during the 80th Legislative Session; and
         WHEREAS, A graduate of the University of Oklahoma, Ms. Farish  
  earned her bachelor's degree in letters and completed an Arabic
  language study program at Hashemite University, Jordan; an avid
  reader of the Economist magazine with a keen interest in
  international public policy; Ms. Farish gained previous
  legislative experience through various Congressional internships;
         WHEREAS, Ms. Farish has capably handled a number of essential
  duties since joining the office of Representative Gattis in January
  2007; as part of her key office assignments, she was responsible for
  relaying matters of communication among the office, greeting the
  many visitors to the office, handling large volumes of daily
  correspondence, resolving constituent concerns, including working
  on constituent case work, carrying out duties relating to the
  Pastor of the Day, Doctor of the Day, and Honorary Page programs,
  overseeing the Representative's schedule, tracking education and
  social policy issues, and meeting with numerous constituent and
  advocacy groups on these policy issues; and
         WHEREAS, Known for her ability to remain calm and collected
  under pressure, Ms. Farish gained valuable insight as an intern in
  the White House Office of Speechwriting, and her notable talent and
  experience in that field have been an asset in drafting creative
  speeches for Representative Gattis; and
         WHEREAS, The efforts of Colleen Farish have helped to ensure
  the efficient functioning of the Representative's office
  throughout the course of the session; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Colleen Farish for her service as
  scheduler and constituent services assistant in the office of State
  Representative Dan Gattis and thank her for her work in behalf of
  the citizens of Texas; and extend to her sincere best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Farish as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.