By: Gattis H.R. No. 2986
         WHEREAS, Toni B. Simmons has provided valuable public service
  to the people of the great State of Texas as legislative assistant
  in the office of State Representative Dan Gattis during the 80th
  Legislative Session; and
         WHEREAS, A graduate of Texas A&M University, Ms. Simmons
  earned her bachelor's degree in bioenvironmental sciences and
  gained previous legislative experience through the Agricultural
  and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program, which is renowned
  for producing leaders among leaders; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Simmons has capably handled a number of highly
  significant duties since joining the office of Representative
  Gattis in January 2007; she has assisted with all aspects of the
  Member's responsibilities to the House Committee on Appropriations
  and the Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, reviewed and
  provided detailed and accurate analyses of the budget requests
  submitted by the numerous state agencies, effectively interacted
  with committee staff and Legislative Budget Board staff, and met
  with constituents, agency directors, and advocacy groups on the
  various issues and complex policy issues involving the state
  budget; and
         WHEREAS, When faced with a "sink or swim" scenario involving
  quickly gaining the knowledge to understanding the state budgeting
  process, this star intramural athlete successfully learned all
  terms and acronyms of the complex area of legislative
  appropriations, and this laboriously gained knowledge made her a
  vital asset to Representative Gattis, who also serves as a house
  conferee on the budget; and
         WHEREAS, Known for her friendly and positive attitude, Ms.
  Simmons has often been of helpful assistance to her coworkers; she
  will be missed when she leaves to attend the University of Arkansas
  at Fayetteville School of Law, where she will undoubtedly teach
  Razorbacks how to "Whoop" in the finest Aggie tradition; and
         WHEREAS, Toni Simmons has proven herself unflappable when
  faced with any new situation or challenge, and she is indeed
  deserving of recognition for her exemplary legislative tenure; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 80th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Toni B. Simmons for her service as a
  legislative assistant in the office of State Representative Dan
  Gattis and thank her for her work in behalf of the citizens of
  Texas; and extend to her sincere best wishes for the future; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Simmons as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.