By: Averitt, Ellis S.B. No. 12
relating to programs for the enhancement of air quality, including
energy efficiency standards in state purchasing and energy
consumption; providing penalties.
       SECTION 1.01.  Section 382.003, Health and Safety Code, is
amended by adding Subdivisions (7-a), (9-a), (9-b), (10-a), and
(10-b) to read as follows:
             (7-a)  "Hybrid motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle
that draws propulsion energy from both gasoline or conventional
diesel fuel and a rechargeable energy storage system.
             (9-a)  "Motor vehicle" means a fully self-propelled
vehicle having four wheels that has as its primary purpose the
transport of a person or persons, or property, on a public highway.
             (9-b)  "New motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle that
has not been the subject of a retail sale regardless of the mileage
of the vehicle.
             (10-a)  "Qualifying new motor vehicle" means a new
motor vehicle that meets the requirements of Section 382.210(b).
             (10-b)  "Retail sale" means any sale of a motor vehicle
other than a sale in which the purchaser acquires a vehicle for
       SECTION 1.02.  Subsection (b), Section 382.0622, Health and
Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (b)  Except as provided by Subsection [Subsections] (b-1)
[and (e)], Clean Air Act fees shall be deposited in the state
treasury to the credit of the clean air account and shall be used to
safeguard the air resources of the state.
       SECTION 1.03.  Section 382.209, Health and Safety Code, is
amended by amending Subsections (b), (e), and (g) and adding
Subsections (i) and (j) to read as follows:
       (b)  The commission shall provide funding for local
low-income vehicle repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated
vehicle retirement programs with available funds collected under
Section 382.202, 382.302, or other designated and available funds.
The programs shall be administered in accordance with Chapter 783,
Government Code. Program [Programmatic] costs may include call
center management, application oversight, invoice analysis,
education, outreach, and advertising.  Not more than 10 percent of
the money provided to a local low-income vehicle repair assistance,
retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program under this
section may be used for the administration of the programs,
including program costs.
       (e)  A vehicle is not eligible to participate in a low-income
vehicle repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle
retirement program established under this section unless:
             (1)  the vehicle is capable of being operated;
             (2)  the registration of the vehicle:
                   (A)  is current; and
                   (B)  reflects that the vehicle has been registered
in the county implementing the program for the 12 months preceding
the application for participation in the program;
             (3)  the commissioners court of the county
administering the program determines that the vehicle meets the
eligibility criteria adopted by the commission, the Texas
Department of Transportation, and the Public Safety Commission;
             (4)  if the vehicle is to be repaired, the repair is
done by a repair facility recognized by the Department of Public
Safety, which may be an independent or private entity licensed by
the state; and
             (5)  if the vehicle is to be retired under this
subsection and Section 382.213, the replacement vehicle is a
qualifying new motor vehicle.
       (g)  A participating county may contract with any
appropriate entity, including the regional council of governments
or the metropolitan planning organization in the appropriate
region, or with another county for services necessary to implement
the participating county's low-income vehicle repair assistance,
retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program. The
participating counties in a nonattainment region or counties
participating in an early action compact under Subchapter H may
agree to have the money collected in any one county be used in any
other participating county in the same region. [The participating
counties may also agree to contract with any appropriate entity,
including the regional metropolitan planning organization or
council of governments, to implement a program under Section
       (i)  Notwithstanding the vehicle replacement requirements
provided by Subsection (d)(2), the commission by rule may provide
monetary or other compensatory assistance under the low-income
vehicle repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle
retirement program, subject to the availability of funds, for the
replacement of a vehicle that meets the following criteria:
             (1)  the vehicle is gasoline-powered and is at least 10
years old;
             (2)  the vehicle owner meets applicable financial
eligibility criteria;
             (3)  the vehicle meets the requirements provided by
Subsections (e)(1) and (2); and
             (4)  the vehicle has passed a Department of Public
Safety motor vehicle safety inspection or safety and emissions
inspection within the 15-month period before the application is
       (j)  The commission may provide monetary or other
compensatory assistance under the low-income vehicle repair
assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program
for a replacement vehicle or replacement assistance for a pre-1996
model year vehicle that passes the required United States
Environmental Protection Agency Start-Up Acceleration Simulation
Mode Standards emissions test but that would have failed the United
States Environmental Protection Agency Final Acceleration
Simulation Mode Standards emissions test or some other criterion
determined by the commission; provided, however, that a replacement
vehicle under this subsection must be a qualifying new motor
       SECTION 1.04.  Section 382.210, Health and Safety Code, is
amended to read as follows:
(a)  The commission by rule shall adopt guidelines to assist a
participating county in implementing a low-income vehicle repair
assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program
authorized under Section 382.209. The guidelines at a minimum
shall recommend:
             (1)  a minimum and maximum amount for repair
             (2)  a minimum and maximum amount toward the purchase
price of a replacement vehicle qualified for the accelerated
retirement program, with the maximum amount not to exceed $2,500
or, if the replacement vehicle is a hybrid motor vehicle, $3,500;
             (3)  criteria for determining eligibility, taking into
                   (A)  the vehicle owner's income, which may not
exceed 300 percent of the federal poverty level;
                   (B)  the fair market value of the vehicle; and
                   (C)  any other relevant considerations;
             (4)  safeguards for preventing fraud in the repair,
purchase, or sale of a vehicle in the program; and
             (5)  procedures for determining the degree and amount
of repair assistance a vehicle is allowed, based on:
                   (A)  the amount of money the vehicle owner has
spent on repairs;
                   (B)  the vehicle owner's income; and
                   (C)  any other relevant factors.
       (b)  A replacement vehicle described by Subsection (a)(2)
             (1)  except as provided by Subsection (c), be a vehicle
in a class or category of vehicles that has been certified to meet
federal Tier 2, Bin 5 or a cleaner Bin certification under 40 C.F.R.
Section 86.1811-04, as published in the February 10, 2000, Federal
             (2)  have a gross vehicle weight rating of less than
10,000 pounds; and
             (3)  be a vehicle the total cost of which does not
exceed $25,000.
       (c)  The commission may adopt any revisions made by the
federal government to the emissions standards described by
Subsection (b)(1).
       (d)  A participating county shall provide an electronic
means for distributing vehicle repair or replacement funds once all
program criteria have been met with regard to the repair or
replacement.  The county shall ensure that funds are transferred to
a participating dealer under this section not later than one
business day after the date the sale of a replacement vehicle is
       (e)  In rules adopted under this section, the commission
shall require a mandatory procedure that:
             (1)  produces a document confirming that a person is
eligible to purchase a new vehicle in the manner provided by this
chapter, and the amount of money available to the participating
             (2)  provides that a person who seeks to purchase a new
vehicle in the manner provided by this chapter is required to have
the document required by Subdivision (1) before the person enters
into negotiation for a new vehicle in the manner provided by this
chapter; and
             (3)  provides that a participating dealer who relies on
a document issued as required by Subdivision (1) has no duty to
otherwise confirm the eligibility of a person to purchase a new
vehicle in the manner provided by this chapter.
       (f)  In this section, "total cost" means the total amount of
money paid or to be paid for the purchase of a motor vehicle as set
forth as "sales price" in the form entitled "Application for Texas
Certificate of Title" promulgated by the Texas Department of
Transportation.  In a transaction that does not involve the use of
that form, the term means an amount of money that is equivalent, or
substantially equivalent, to the amount that would appear as "sales
price" on the Application for Texas Certificate of Title if that
form were involved.
       SECTION 1.05.  Section 382.213, Health and Safety Code, is
amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (d)
through (i) to read as follows:
       (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (c) and Subdivision (5)
of this subsection, a vehicle retired under an accelerated vehicle
retirement program authorized by Section 382.209 may not be resold
or reused in its entirety in this or another state. Subject to the
provisions of Subsection (i), the automobile dealer who takes
possession of the vehicle must submit to the program administrator
proof, in a manner adopted by the commission, that the vehicle has
been retired. The vehicle must be:
             (1)  destroyed;
             (2)  recycled;
             (3)  dismantled and its parts sold as used parts or used
in the program;
             (4)  placed in a storage facility of a program
established under Section 382.209 and subsequently destroyed,
recycled, or dismantled and its parts sold or used in the program;
             (5)  repaired, brought into compliance, and used as a
replacement vehicle under Section 382.209(d)(2).
       (d)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)(3), the dismantler of a
vehicle shall scrap the emissions control equipment and engine.  
The dismantler shall certify that the equipment and engine have
been scrapped and not resold into the marketplace. A person who
causes, suffers, allows, or permits a violation of this subsection
or of a rule adopted under this section is subject to a civil
penalty under Subchapter D, Chapter 7, Water Code, for each
violation. For purposes of this subsection, a separate violation
occurs with each fraudulent certification or prohibited resale.
       (e)  Notwithstanding Subsection (d), vehicle parts not
related to emissions control equipment or the engine may be resold
in any state.
       (f)  Any dismantling of vehicles or salvaging of steel under
this section must be performed at a facility located in this state.
       (g)  In dismantling a vehicle under this section, the
dismantler shall remove any mercury switches in accordance with
state and federal law.
       (h)  For purposes of this section, the commission shall adopt
rules defining "emissions control equipment" and "engine."
       (i)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section,
and except as provided by this subsection, a dealer is in compliance
with this section and incurs no civil or criminal liability as a
result of the disposal of a replaced vehicle if the dealer produces
proof of transfer of the replaced vehicle by the dealer to a
dismantler.  The defense provided by this subsection is not
available to a dealer who knowingly and intentionally conspires
with another person to violate this section.
       SECTION 1.06.  Subchapter G, Chapter 382, Health and Safety
Code, is amended by adding Section 382.219 to read as follows:
DEALERSHIPS. (a)  An amount described by Section 382.210(a)(2) may
be used as a down payment toward the purchase of a replacement
       (b)  An automobile dealer that participates in the
procedures and programs offered by this chapter must be located in
the state.  No dealer is required to participate in the procedures
and programs provided by this chapter.
       SECTION 1.07.  Subchapter G, Chapter 382, Health and Safety
Code, is amended by adding Section 382.220 to read as follows:
(a)  Money that is made available to affected or participating
counties under Sections 382.202(g) and 382.302 may be appropriated
only for programs administered in accordance with Chapter 783,
Government Code, to improve air quality.
       (b)  A program under this section must be implemented in
consultation with the commission and may include a program to:
             (1)  expand and enhance the AirCheck Texas Repair and
Replacement Assistance Program;
             (2)  develop and implement programs or systems that
remotely determine vehicle emissions and notify the vehicle's
             (3)  develop and implement projects to implement the
commission's smoking vehicle program;
             (4)  develop and implement projects for coordinating
with local law enforcement officials to reduce the use of
counterfeit state inspection stickers by providing local law
enforcement officials with funds to identify vehicles with
counterfeit state inspection stickers and to carry out appropriate
             (5)  develop and implement programs to enhance
transportation system improvements; or
             (6)  develop and implement new air control strategies
designed to assist local areas in complying with state and federal
air quality rules and regulations.
       (c)  Money that is made available for the implementation of a
program under Subsection (b) may not be expended for call center
management, application oversight, invoice analysis, education,
outreach, or advertising purposes.
       (d)  Fees collected under Sections 382.202 and 382.302 may be
used, in an amount not to exceed $5 million per fiscal year, for
projects described by Subsection (b). The fees shall be made
available only to counties participating in the low-income vehicle
repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement
programs created under Section 382.209 and only on a matching
basis, whereby the commission provides money to a county in the same
amount that the county dedicates to a project authorized by
Subsection (b).
       SECTION 1.08.  Subsection (b), Section 152.002, Tax Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (b)  "Total consideration" does not include:
             (1)  a cash discount;
             (2)  a full cash or credit refund to a customer of the
sales price of a motor vehicle returned to the seller;
             (3)  the amount charged for labor or service rendered
in installing, applying, remodeling, or repairing the motor vehicle
             (4)  a financing, carrying, or service charge or
interest on credit extended on a motor vehicle sold under a
conditional sale or other deferred payment contract;
             (5)  the value of a motor vehicle taken by a seller as
all or a part of the consideration for sale of another motor
vehicle, including any cash payment to the buyer under Section
348.404, Finance Code;
             (6)  a charge for transportation of the motor vehicle
after a sale; [or]
             (7)  motor vehicle inventory tax; or
             (8)  an amount made available to the customer under
Subchapter G, Chapter 382, Health and Safety Code.
       SECTION 1.09.  Section 7.102, Water Code, is amended to read
as follows:
       Sec. 7.102.  MAXIMUM PENALTY.  A person who causes, suffers,
allows, or permits a violation of a statute, rule, order, or permit
relating to Chapter 37 of this code, Chapter 366, 371, or 372,
Health and Safety Code, Subchapter G, Chapter 382, Health and
Safety Code, or Chapter 1903, Occupations Code, shall be assessed
for each violation a civil penalty not less than $50 nor greater
than $5,000 for each day of each violation as the court or jury
considers proper. A person who causes, suffers, allows, or permits
a violation of a statute, rule, order, or permit relating to any
other matter within the commission's jurisdiction to enforce, other
than violations of Chapter 11, 12, 13, 16, or 36 of this code, or
Chapter 341, Health and Safety Code, shall be assessed for each
violation a civil penalty not less than $50 nor greater than $25,000
for each day of each violation as the court or jury considers
proper. Each day of a continuing violation is a separate violation.
       SECTION 1.10.  The following provisions of the Health and
Safety Code are repealed:
             (1)  Subsection (e), Section 382.0622;
             (2)  Subsections (q) and (r), Section 382.202; and
             (3)  Section 382.217.
       SECTION 1.11.  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
shall review its current cutpoint levels for nitrogen oxide
emissions and determine whether a lower cutpoint standard would
best serve the interest of the public health and welfare. The
determination shall be made by rule not later than January 1, 2008.
If the commission adopts a lower cutpoint standard, the commission
shall make the low-income vehicle repair assistance, retrofit, and
accelerated vehicle retirement program under Section 382.209,
Health and Safety Code, as amended by this article, available to
owners of vehicles that did not meet the prior, more stringent
       SECTION 1.12.  (a)  The Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality shall seek to work in partnership with automobile
manufacturers and dealers in the state to increase public awareness
of and participation in the low-income vehicle repair assistance,
retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program under Section
382.209, Health and Safety Code, as amended by this article.
       (b)  Funding for the partnership described by Subsection (a)
of this section shall be used exclusively for the purpose of
publicizing the program.
       SECTION 1.13.  (a)  The Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality shall seek to work in partnership with the steel industry
and automobile dismantlers to ensure that vehicles being replaced
are scrapped and that proof of scrapping is provided to the
       (b)  Not later than January 1, 2008, the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality shall adopt procedures for certifying that
emissions control equipment and vehicle engines have been scrapped
and not resold into the marketplace and shall by rule define
"emissions control equipment" and "engine," as required by Section
382.213, Health and Safety Code, as amended by this article.
       SECTION 2.01.  Section 386.002, Health and Safety Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 386.002.  EXPIRATION. This chapter expires August 31,
2013 [2010].
       SECTION 2.02.  Subsection (d), Section 386.053, Health and
Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (d)  The commission may propose revisions to the guidelines
and criteria adopted under this section as necessary to improve the
ability of the plan to achieve its goals. Revisions may include,
among other changes, adding additional pollutants, adding
stationary engines or engines used in stationary applications,
adding vehicles and equipment that use fuels other than diesel, or
adjusting eligible program categories, as appropriate, to ensure
that incentives established under this chapter achieve the maximum
possible emissions reductions. The commission shall make a
proposed revision available to the public before the 30th [45th]
day preceding the date of final adoption of the revision and shall
hold at least one public meeting to consider public comments on the
proposed revision before final adoption.
       SECTION 2.03.  Subsection (c), Section 386.104, Health and
Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (c)  For a proposed project as described by Section
386.102(b), other than a project involving a marine vessel or
engine, not less than 75 percent of vehicle miles traveled or hours
of operation projected for the five years immediately following the
award of a grant must be projected to take place in a nonattainment
area or affected county of this state. The commission may also
allow vehicle travel on highways and roadways, or portions of a
highway or roadway, designated by the commission and located
outside of a nonattainment area or affected county to count towards
the percentage of use requirement in this subsection. For a
proposed project involving a marine vessel or engine, the vessel or
engine must be operated in the intercoastal waterways or bays
adjacent to a nonattainment area or affected county of this state
for a sufficient amount of time over the lifetime of the project, as
determined by the commission, to meet the cost-effectiveness
requirements of Section 386.105.
       SECTION 2.04.  Subsection (a), Section 386.106, Health and
Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (a)  Except as provided by Section 386.107 and except for
infrastructure projects and infrastructure purchases that are part
of a broader retrofit, repower, replacement, or add-on equipment
project, the commission may not award a grant for a proposed project
the cost-effectiveness of which, calculated in accordance with
Section 386.105 and criteria developed under that section, exceeds
$15,000 [$13,000] per ton of oxides of nitrogen emissions reduced
in the nonattainment area or affected county for which the project
is proposed. This subsection does not restrict commission
authority under other law to require emissions reductions with a
cost-effectiveness that exceeds $15,000 [$13,000] per ton.
       SECTION 2.05.  Section 386.109, Health and Safety Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 386.109.  ELIGIBLE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS.  (a)  The
commission may consider for funding under Section 386.108:
             (1)  the purchase and installation at a site of
equipment that is designed primarily to dispense qualifying fuel,
other than standard gasoline or diesel, or the purchase of on-site
mobile fueling equipment;
             (2)  infrastructure projects, including auxiliary
power units, designed to dispense electricity to motor vehicles and
on-road and non-road diesels; and
             (3)  a project that involves a technology that allows a
vehicle to replace with electric power, while the vehicle is
parked, the power normally supplied by the vehicle's internal
combustion engine.
       (b)  The commission may provide funding to other state
agencies to implement projects under Subsection (a)(3), including
funding for the lease, purchase, or installation of idle reduction
technologies and facilities at rest areas and other public
facilities on major highway transportation routes located in areas
eligible for funding.  Funding under this subsection may include
reasonable operational costs determined by the commission to be
needed for the initial start-up and proper operation of the idle
reduction technologies. The state agency leasing, owning, or
operating the idle reduction facility constructed with funds
provided under this subsection may, but is not required to, charge
reasonable fees for the provision of idle reduction services
provided that those fees are used to directly offset the cost of
providing the services.
       (c)  The commission shall encourage the use of a technology
that allows a vehicle to replace with electric power, while the
vehicle is parked, the power normally supplied by the vehicle's
internal combustion engine at the state's ports and border
crossings in affected areas.
       SECTION 2.06.  Section 386.117, Health and Safety Code, is
amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
       (e)  The commission or its designee shall notify potential
applicants of any changes to the rebate grant process by its email
list service and posting those changes on its Internet website at
least 30 days before the changes become effective.
       SECTION 2.07.  Subsection (b), Section 386.251, Health and
Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (b)  The fund is administered by the commission
[comptroller] for the benefit of the plan established under this
chapter. The fund is exempt from the application of Section
403.095, Government Code. Interest earned on the fund shall be
credited to the fund.
       SECTION 2.08.  Section 387.003, Health and Safety Code, is
amended by adding Subsections (c) through (f) to read as follows:
       (c)  The commission shall provide oversight as appropriate
for grants provided to the nonprofit organization under this
       (d)  The nonprofit organization shall submit to the
commission for approval a budget for the disposition of funds
granted under this program.
       (e)  The commission shall limit the use of grants for
administrative costs incurred by the nonprofit organization to an
amount not to exceed 10 percent of funding provided to the nonprofit
organization under this program.
       (f)  The nonprofit organization that receives grants from
the commission under this program is subject to Chapters 551 and
552, Government Code.
       SECTION 2.09.  Section 387.005, Health and Safety Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 387.005.  ELIGIBLE PROJECTS; PRIORITIES.  (a)  Grants
awarded under this chapter shall be directed toward a balanced mix
             (1)  retrofit and add-on technologies and other
advanced technologies that [to] reduce emissions from the existing
stock of engines and vehicles targeted by the Texas emissions
reduction plan; and
             (2)  advanced technologies for new engines and vehicles
that produce very-low or zero emissions of oxides of nitrogen,
including stationary and mobile fuel cells[;
             [(3)  studies to improve air quality assessment and
modeling; and
             [(4)  advanced technologies that reduce emissions from
other significant sources].
       (b)  The commission shall identify and evaluate and may
consider making grants for technology projects that would allow
qualifying fuels to be produced from energy resources in this
state. In considering projects under this subsection, the
commission shall give preference to projects involving otherwise
unusable energy resources in this state and producing qualifying
fuels at prices lower than otherwise available and low enough to
make the projects to be funded under the program economically
attractive to local businesses in the area for which the project is
       (c)  In soliciting proposals under Section 387.004 and
determining how to allocate grant money available for projects
under this chapter, the commission shall give special consideration
to advanced technologies and retrofit or add-on projects that
provide multiple benefits by reducing emissions of particulates and
other air pollutants.
       (d)  A project that involves publicly or privately owned
vehicles or vessels is eligible for funding under this chapter if
the project meets all applicable criteria.
       (e)  [Studies authorized under Subsection (a)(3) shall be
consistent with air quality research priorities identified by the
commission and conducted in an independent and objective manner.
       [(f)]  If a commissioner is an employee or owner of an entity
that applies for a grant under this chapter, the commissioner,
before a vote on the grant, shall disclose the fact of the
commissioner's employment or ownership. The disclosure must be
entered into the minutes of the meeting. The commissioner may not
vote on or otherwise participate in the awarding of the grant. If
the commissioner does not comply with this subsection, the entity
is not eligible for the grant.
       SECTION 2.10.  Subsection (d), Section 151.0515, Tax Code,
is amended to read as follows:
       (d)  This section expires August 31, 2013 [September 30,
       SECTION 2.11.  Subsection (c), Section 152.0215, Tax Code,
is amended to read as follows:
       (c)  This section expires August 31, 2013 [September 30,
       SECTION 2.12.  Subsections (a), (b), and (b-1), Section
501.138, Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows:
       (a)  An applicant for a certificate of title, other than the
state or a political subdivision of the state, must pay the county
assessor-collector a fee of:
             (1)  $33 if the applicant's residence is a county
located within a nonattainment area as defined under Section 107(d)
of the federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Section 7407), as amended,
or is an affected county, as defined by Section 386.001, Health and
Safety Code; or
             (2)  $28 if the applicant's residence is any other
county[; or
             [(3)  on or after September 1, 2010, $28 regardless of
the county in which the applicant resides].
       (b)  The county assessor-collector shall send:
             (1)  $5 of the fee to the county treasurer for deposit
in the officers' salary fund;
             (2)  $8 of the fee to the department:
                   (A)  together with the application within the time
prescribed by Section 501.023; or
                   (B)  if the fee is deposited in an
interest-bearing account or certificate in the county depository or
invested in an investment authorized by Subchapter A, Chapter 2256,
Government Code, not later than the 35th day after the date on which
the fee is received; and
             (3)  the following amount to the comptroller at the
time and in the manner prescribed by the comptroller:
                   (A)  $20 of the fee if the applicant's residence
is a county located within a nonattainment area as defined under
Section 107(d) of the federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Section
7407), as amended, or is an affected county, as defined by Section
386.001, Health and Safety Code; or
                   (B)  $15 of the fee if the applicant's residence
is any other county[; or
                   [(C)  on or after September 1, 2010, $15
regardless of the county in which the applicant resides].
       (b-1)  Fees collected under Subsection (b) to be sent to the
comptroller shall be deposited as follows:
             (1)  before September 1, 2008, to the credit of the
Texas emissions reduction plan fund; [and]
             (2)  on or after September 1, 2008, and before
September 1, 2010, to the credit of the Texas Mobility Fund, except
that $5 of each fee imposed under Subsection (a)(1) and deposited on
or after September 1, 2008, and before September 1, 2010, shall be
deposited to the credit of the Texas emissions reduction plan fund;
             (3)  on or after September 1, 2010, to the credit of the
Texas emissions reduction plan fund.
       SECTION 2.13.  Subsection (c), Section 502.1675,
Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (c)  This section expires August 31, 2013 [2010].
       SECTION 2.14.  Subsection (c), Section 548.5055,
Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (c)  This section expires August 31, 2013 [2010].
       SECTION 2.15.  Section 12, Chapter 1125, Acts of the 79th
Legislature, Regular Session, 2005, amending Subsection (a),
Section 386.252, Health and Safety Code, is repealed.
       SECTION 3.01.  Section 388.003, Health and Safety Code, is
amended by adding Subsections (b-1) and (b-2) to read as follows:
       (b-1)  If the State Energy Conservation Office determines,
based on written recommendations from the laboratory, that the
latest published edition of the International Residential Code
energy efficiency provisions or the latest published edition of the
International Energy Conservation Code will improve residential or
commercial energy efficiency and air quality equivalent to or more
stringent than the editions adopted under Subsection (a) or (b),
the office may by rule adopt the equivalent or more stringent
editions and substitute them for the initial editions described by
Subsection (a) or (b). The rule, if adopted, shall establish an
effective date for the new editions but not earlier than nine months
after the date of adoption. The laboratory shall make its
recommendations not later than six months after publication of new
editions at the end of each three-year code development cycle of the
International Residential Code and the International Energy
Conservation Code.
       (b-2)  The State Energy Conservation Office shall by rule
establish a procedure for persons who have an interest in the
adoption of energy efficiency codes under Subsection (b-1),
including commercial and residential builders, architects and
engineers, county and other local government authorities, and
environmental groups, to have an opportunity to comment on the
codes under consideration and to have the commentary considered by
the laboratory in developing its recommendations.
       SECTION 3.02.  Section 388.005, Health and Safety Code, is
amended to read as follows:
POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS. (a)  In this section:
             (1)  "Institution of higher education" includes an
institution of higher education defined by Section 61.003,
Education Code, and a private institution of higher education that
receives funding from the state.
             (2)  "Political[, "political] subdivision" means:
                   (A) [(1)]  an affected county; or
                   (B) [(2)]  any political subdivision in a
nonattainment area or in an affected county other than[:
                   [(A)a school district; or
                   [(B)]  a district as defined by Section 36.001 or
49.001, Water Code, that had a total annual electricity expense of
less than $200,000 in the previous fiscal year of the district.
             (3)  "State agency" means a department, commission,
board, office, council, or other agency in the executive branch of
government that is created by the constitution or a statute of this
state and has authority not limited to a geographical portion of the
       (b)  Each political subdivision, institution of higher
education, or state agency shall implement all energy efficiency
measures that meet the standards established for a contract for
energy conservation measures under Section 302.004(b), Local
Government Code, in order to reduce electricity consumption by the
existing facilities of the entity [the political subdivision].
       (c)  Each political subdivision, institution of higher
education, or state agency shall establish a goal to reduce the
electric consumption by the entity [political subdivision] by five
percent each year for six [five] years, beginning September 1, 2007
[January 1, 2002].
       (d)  A political subdivision, institution of higher
education, or state agency that does not attain the goals under
Subsection (c) must include in the report required by Subsection
(e) justification that the entity [political subdivision] has
already implemented all available measures.
       (e)  A political subdivision, institution of higher
education, or state agency annually shall report to the State
Energy Conservation Office, on forms provided by that office,
regarding the entity's [political subdivision's] efforts and
progress under this section. The State Energy Conservation Office
shall provide assistance and information to the entity [political
subdivisions] to help it [the political subdivisions] meet the
goals set under this section.
       SECTION 3.03.  Subsection (b), Section 44.901, Education
Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (b)  The board of trustees of a school district shall
establish a goal to reduce the annual electric consumption by five
percent each year for six years, beginning September 1, 2007. The
board of trustees of a school district may enter into an energy
savings performance contract in accordance with this section.
       SECTION 3.04.  Subsection (d), Section 2155.068, Government
Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (d)  As part of the standards and specifications program, the
commission shall review contracts for opportunities to recycle
waste produced at state buildings, shall develop and update a list
of equipment and appliances that meet the energy efficiency
standards of Section 2158.301, and shall assist state agencies in
selecting products under that section as appropriate.
       SECTION 3.05.  Chapter 2158, Government Code, is amended by
adding Subchapter F to read as follows:
       Sec. 2158.301.  ENERGY CONSERVATION. If available and cost
effective, the commission or another state agency shall purchase
equipment and appliances for state use that meet or exceed:
             (1)  the federal energy conservation standards under
the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. Section 6295) or
any federal regulations adopted under the federal act; or
             (2)  the federal Energy Star standards designated by
the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the United
States Department of Energy.
       SECTION 3.06.  (a)  The State Energy Conservation Office
shall adopt rules implementing a procedure for stakeholder
participation as required under Subsection (b-2), Section 388.003,
Health and Safety Code, as added by this article, as soon as
practicable after the effective date of this Act.
       (b)  The State Energy Conservation Office shall adopt rules
as necessary to implement Subsection (b), Section 44.901, Education
Code, as amended by this article, as soon as practicable after the
effective date of this Act.
       SECTION 3.07.  (a)  The energy conservation standards for
equipment and appliances under Section 2158.301, Government Code,
as added by this article, apply to a purchase by a state agency on or
after the effective date of this Act.
       (b)  The Texas Building and Procurement Commission shall
develop a list of equipment and appliances under Section 2155.068,
Government Code, as amended by this article, as soon as practicable
after the effective date of this Act.
       SECTION 4.01.  This Act takes effect immediately if it
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2007.